Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


is called an alkininty test? cause in my kit i have a general hardness and carbonate hardness (whatever those are) is one of those the Alkinity?


Active Member
well the general hardieness is related to calcium levels i think.... One is directly proportional on the other. And i would assume that carbonate is a different thing all together though. not positive, anyone know for sure?


few questions. the one from above, i see some green, "hairy" stuff, it looks like yarn sort of. its floating around in my tank. should i take it out. and last question, how long does it take for pods to form and tell me more about them.


Active Member
i explained pods a lot in an earlier post to f1shman. go back and look
is the hairy stuff all over the rocks and sand? or jsut floating?


Active Member
that would help
my guess owuld be hair algae that loosened and is floating. a common sign in early tanks and ones present with high nitrates


WOW long time since Ive used this thread. Well just to update this thread.... I got rid of the 24 nano cube
and set up a 55 reef
haha so far the 55 has 60 lbs of LS and about 60 of LR. Inventory is a hatian and long tentacle annenome, a few blennys and a few serjent majors (I got these for free). All of the serjeant majors are only a half of an inch and so far they havent been aggressive. other than that, i have 2 green chromises 2 false percs and a black and white clown for the LT annenome. Here are some pics but they will be updated soon with the SMs and Blennies. Feel free to praise or criticize. The tank is about a month old.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefman22
Have ya fished out your thermometer yet?
Sorry, couldn't resist. Great looking tank. Alot easier to take care of IMO than the Nano. Keep us posted. I like what i see so far.


haha nope its still there. I am planning on redoing those rocks tomorrow or soon because that pile of small rocks is a pain. and ill just get it then. but thanks for the laugh