Help my clown and fox face are sick. I thick the fox face has popeye? and the clown has some kind of milky looking slime on him. My water was tested yesterday amonia .25 ph 8.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 salinity 1.020. I have been doing a water change weekly due to cyano. And have cut down on feeding.
My tank is 80gl and 6 mo old.. I had a hipo tang that died a week ago it was new it had what I thought it was ick but now maybe it wasn't it looked more velvety and he was dead in 1.5 days. chek out pics and let me know what to do.[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
My tank is 80gl and 6 mo old.. I had a hipo tang that died a week ago it was new it had what I thought it was ick but now maybe it wasn't it looked more velvety and he was dead in 1.5 days. chek out pics and let me know what to do.[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]