Help with tongue coral :(


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral/20#post_3323266
From wetweb
'The symptom appears to be a sort of polyp bailout... often caused by stress or damage (could be excessive water flow on that side, the coral got
bumped/mishandled, light shock with new lights or sudden use of carbon after an absent period, etc.).
Regardless, with good water quality and regular feeding (you do know that this coral like most
Fungiids needs fed weekly if not more often... else they will starve slowly) the coral will resume normal behavior. In fact, its not uncommon for the wholecoral to swell up (often at night) as a natural mucus feeding strategy. Anthony Calfo>'
Don't know if that gives you any ideas to ponder or not.
I'm so confused
SO you think I should just watch it? It has been in tank for over 2 new lighting...have not moved it (till last night) and food lands on it daily...this is in the front of coral...and the water movemetn seems higher at the back

Do you have any personal suggestions??
Smartorl....I'm really hesitant to even touch it today...I get exactly what you are saying though, but there seems to be NO loose stuff tonight


Active Member
In the last picture the flesh around the bare spot and to the left looks bad to me. Don't know if this is because of the dip or whatever it was you did but the tentacles are definitley retracted there. Almost like a frogspawn looks when it retracts.
I am of the school that the more we screw with things the worse we make them. Oh by the way, you are not supposed to remove a coral like that with its tentacles inflated, the weight of the water can also tear the flesh when it is not supported in the water. I would leave it alone for now and keep an eye on it. For feeding, I don't know what other critters are in the tank that would steal food from it, but I would use a baster or something and put some Mysis right on it with all of the flow turned off and let it eat.
Oh did I mention stop messing with it. If not, STOP MESSING WITH IT!


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral/40#post_3323276
Oh did I mention stop messing with it. If not, STOP MESSING WITH IT!
YES HENRY....BUT if you noticed in my posts...I have stated I DON'T WANT TO MESS WITH IT....LOL....
I will watch it closely (LOL) and if I see any major change, I will post the info....and see what you guys suggest....
and NO...I had no clue that you should not take something from the water with the tentacles out :(


Yeah, I think she was rather pushed into messing with it.

I didn't know that about the tentacles either. Very interesting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral/40#post_3323281
YES HENRY....BUT if you noticed in my posts...I have stated I DON'T WANT TO MESS WITH IT....LOL....
I will watch it closely (LOL) and if I see any major change, I will post the info....and see what you guys suggest....
and NO...I had no clue that you should not take something from the water with the tentacles out :(
spot feed it too like Mr. Calfo said. Remember when I suggested you buy the coral book by Borneman? Anthony Calfo is another expert in the realm of coral.


Active Member

Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1 Edition 2: Reef Gardening for Aquarists is a good all around book about corals, water quality, lighting, propagation, etc... if you can find one.
But I like this one better
Reef Invertebrates: An Essential Guide to Selection, Care and Compatibility again if you can find one.


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral/40#post_3323308

Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1 Edition 2: Reef Gardening for Aquarists is a good all around book about corals, water quality, lighting, propagation, etc... if you can find one.
But I like this one better
Reef Invertebrates: An Essential Guide to Selection, Care and Compatibility again if you can find one.

I was able to order the 2nd one...reef invertebrates
the coral propagation one....edition 2 that is , apparently is out, so it is on my wish list
Pretty soon I will have a nice SW library

scott t

Active Member
Oh you should get one meowzer I have the sony e-reader I am an avid reader and I love it.. SO easy and so much better to carry around that a book.. You would love it....


While nothing will ever replace the "feel and smell" of a good book, a kindle is the bomb!
Do you have an Iphone? There is a kindle app that is pretty cool.
I like that I can adjust the background to fit the lighting or my eyes. It's also nice to carry my "library" around. Just recently, our library has the option where you can borrow books, now that is total coolness!


Originally Posted by smartorl http:///forum/thread/381462/help-with-tongue-coral/40#post_3323353
While nothing will ever replace the "feel and smell" of a good book, a kindle is the bomb!
Do you have an Iphone? There is a kindle app that is pretty cool.
I like that I can adjust the background to fit the lighting or my eyes. It's also nice to carry my "library" around. Just recently, our library has the option where you can borrow books, now that is total coolness!
LOL...No I-Phone either....


Smart lady! I have a love/hate with mine. It hangs up on people and call other people and I have no idea until I hear a strange voice asking me what in the heck I'm talking about.........
This was a really bad thing when I fired a really hostile driver last week. I called my safety guy to tell him it was done and was being a girl and replaying it blow for blow when suddenly, midstory, I hear the driver yelling at me. I had the safety guy on hold and had called the driver and had no idea. Not cool!