Here is my baby


Today is exact 2 months since I started my tank.
Just want to share my accomplishment.
Pics are not very clear, please excuse my cheap digital camera.
Not a whole lot to show. I will continue to add more corals and will update some time in the near future.
Hope you like it.



I didn't even believe it myself but the cycling process happened and gone so quicky with in the 1st week and everything's been clear like so since.
My Green Brain stretches out to almost 6".
My lr comes with many different coraline algae colors.
I have Purple, pink, green, yellow, orange, and red.
That's why you see the rocks are really colorful


I have:
1 Flame Angle
2 False Perc.
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Coral Banded shrimp
3 Red Stars
1 Six Line Wrasse
10 Astrea snails
5 Feather Dusters


I use Outer Orbit 560w
2MH 150w each and 2 CF 130w each
Unfortunately, my room doesn't allow me to have a sump or fuge, so I have to go with HOB filters.
That's why you see PH and skimmer pump dangling in tank.


That is a nice tank you got going there and after 2 months, I am sure it has come a long way. Two questions has the Flame Angel gone after any coral and what kind of HOB filters are you using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
Three questions, how much flow does your tank have?

Looks great..How are the three stars doing in there already?


Flame Angel is the big boss in my tank.
He actually killed my Bristle Star.
He poked my Pers. sometimes on the body.
He chased my 6 line quite often.
He mess around with my corals sometimes, especially my Fingers Leathers and anything with lil poplyps sticking out including my Feather Dusters.
But I guess everything lives up to his harrassment.
I use 2 Pinguin 350. I use carbon every once awhile.
I have coralife 250 skimmer.
I have 2 Pinguin 1140ghp PHs.
I have lots of flow in the tank. Everything loves it.
My 3 Red Stars are doing well, they all have different behavior.
One of them loves to just stay idle and do nothing.
One of them moves around the tank like his last day.
The other one loves to hide under my corals.


I am also using a 350 on my 45 and I was just wondering how often you run the carbon and when your not running it is it just empty for the flow? With the 350 it also comes with the bio-wheels are you using them in your set up?


I dont' have the luxury of having a sump and fuge like eveyone else.
That's why I had to modify alot of stuff around to make them fit in and work.
I got rid of the bio wheels right after my lr start doing their own bio. balance in the tank. cuz they spitted out too much micro bubbles and they do very minimal good for SW tank.
I bought 2 pcs of Filstar black 30 ppm foam pads a local petstore and cut them to fit in the filter slots and replace the original one. Those work really good.
I use carbon that pre mfg. just drop it in the extra spaces when you want to run carbon.
I also place a pc of that 30ppm foam pads where the bio wheels are. That will keep all micro bubbles out of your tank.


Were did you get the foam pads becuase I dont really have any local fish shops around here that carry anything to good and as for the bio-wheel information thanks Ill have to look into doing something like that.


Do the sponges you have effect the water at all with nitrates or nitrites? I would think it would trap some detrius but I could be wrong.


If you search online for "Rena Filstar Canister Power Filters", and get the Foam30 type. You can use Foam20 for some other thing like filter for the skimmer.
I had to mod. the bubble diffuser for my skimmer also. The one they gave me just didn't work.
And I replace 2 lil package of carbon every 3 to 4 weeks.