HEY BANG!!! does this look about right??

bang guy

Outstanding!!! Congratulations :)
That is so lucky that they lay eggs on the magnet, LOL. You don't even have to get your hands wet ROFL.
Can you e-mail me at guynwarsaw@yahoo.com? I'd like to get a different strain of Rotifers from you if you have spares.


Active Member
so far so good. things look great and they are growing. fingers crossed. oging on day 4 for most of them and day 6 for others


Active Member
well many have died but there are still some left and they are starting to get darker in color. they are black clowns so im not sure is that means they are changing or not. but the darest ones seem to be eating evry well and swimming around like normal fish.. we are at day 9 for some and and 7 more otehrs
I do have one question however about the rotifers.
in the rearing tank theya re breeding and they are getting rather thick. should i thin them out more then just the normal water changes or is that a good thing.

bang guy

Originally Posted by oceana
well many have died but there are still some left and they are starting to get darker in color. they are black clowns so im not sure is that means they are changing or not. but the darest ones seem to be eating evry well and swimming around like normal fish.. we are at day 9 for some and and 7 more otehrs
I do have one question however about the rotifers.
in the rearing tank theya re breeding and they are getting rather thick. should i thin them out more then just the normal water changes or is that a good thing.

IMO you should probably remove 10 - 20% per day, every day. Once you get a feel for how fast they are reproducing in your culture you'll know how much to remove. If they get too crowded they may start producing the less useful males and that can lead to a crash.


Active Member
Well we've been down to one very tough little guy for a while now. It's hard to tell from the pics,but he got his first little stripe today (I don't think he likes getting his picture taken,sure is fast now). today is now day 18



Active Member
I hope so, I've gotten pretty attached to this little guy (hopefully the next batch will do better)


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
my clowns need to mate!

Do I read a little jealously in your post? HEHEHE, me too.


Active Member
very well thanks
the one little guy is still doing great . has two stripes now and is a great little hunter.
we expect a new set of eggs any day now


Active Member
new pics these are at approx day 24. srue grows quick. seems to act like a normal fish at this point. will chase just about anything you put in the tank. reacts to people when you walk up to the tank. he is getting much better use of his tail and fins.
