Okay, my fish, porcelain crab, zoos, and snails are here!! I am taking them home at lunch, putting them in the tank and then I will get photos up tonight....
I was at the LFS last night because they were having a sale of buy $100, get $25 off so I got some odds and ends I have been needing and my bf bought me this gorgeous duncan!!
It is pink with neon green mouths!! I got it in there but it was a little harder than I thought it would be.
It was my first time securing a frag that wasn't already on a frag plug ......My emerald crab immediately jumped on it and started cleaning algae off of it and actually took a couple tiny bites off of one of the tentacles on the head!!!
He stopped after the second bite and kind of flipped out though so I think that he got a mouthfull of something he didn't like....lol. He better stop or he is going back to the store.....I have never heard of them doing that before though!! Anyone else?????
And I also got............
A beautiful bubble tip anemone! It is medium green with bright pink tips. I put it in an area that I had set up for it and it has opened up and did not move at all when the lights were out so hopefully it is happy there. It looks very healthy so far and put it's foot down about an hour afer it was introduced. It is about 4 inches across or so.....I promise I will get pics up.....
I considered the age of my tank a while before purchasing the anemone but you know, everything has been so stable with my tests and I haven't had any problems with anything at all as of yet. I also considered the lighting as Spanko suggested and talked to some people who have the same lighting as me and one of them has kept a bubbletip successfully for a year or so with similar lighting. I will keep a very close eye on him though for any signs of bleaching. So far, all is well!!