hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......


Active Member
Okay......I am super bummed out. I think my LB is going to kill the clown goby. anytime he sees him he chases after him and headbutts him and tries to bite him. He is way smaller too. I haven't seen him eat yet. Poor little guy. I had nooooo idea that he could be sooo aggressive. My goodness!

Beyond that everything is doing wonderfully.....

any suggestions about a sandsifting type fish (like diamond goby) that wouldn't get attacked by my LB??


Active Member
Alright please do not take this the wrong way. You really need to take some initiative and start to research the critters you plan to get prior to purchasing them. You cannot only rely on one or two sources for information but should be comfortable that you have a good basic understanding prior to adding anything to your tank. That said here is a qoute on the lawn mower blenny;
This is a great aquarium fish, it's readily available and often on special! The lawnmower blenny is mottled with greenish and/or brown, with small blue and black spots on the head. Primarily utilized to help control filamentous algae, but an all around great aquarium fish nonetheless. It will spend much of its time sitting on the bottom. This species can be territorial and may chase and nip bottom dwelling fishes
that enter its territory. Keep only one per tank, unless your aquarium is large enough to attempt a pair. Never keep with seahorses or pipefishes."


Active Member
NP Spanko......I hear you. I agree that you should always research. I looked at about 6 different sites when I looked at this fish. I didn't realize it stuck only to the bottom and it doesn't look like the LB. I honestly didn't think there would be territory issues. And........I thought the LB was only like that with his own species. So...maybe some bad research sites....... pretty much no other bottom dwelling fish until I have a bigger tank then....
Interesting he seems to like my mandarin a lot. they hang out on the rocks together all the time. sparky is a shade bigger than the LB though.
Do you think that any sand sifting fish would work with the LB? Maybe one that is larger??


Active Member
I am probably the wrong person to ask about a sand sifting fish. In my reading of others experiences with them they seem to be known to spit sand everywhere including on the rocks and coral. I like Nassarius, Cerith snails and fighting conchs myself.


Active Member
I was thinking about just getting a turbo snail or two. I have two nassarius, two astrea and 3 hermits and my emerald. I don't want to overstock on the cuc and have them starve but I could prolly use another couple nassarius for sure.
i have heard a couple people like them. have you had any success with them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I am probably the wrong person to ask about a sand sifting fish. In my reading of others experiences with them they seem to be known to spit sand everywhere including on the rocks and coral. I like Nassarius, Cerith snails and fighting conchs myself.
Excellent point about the spitting sand thing. I do know about that but I don't want them throwing it everywhere....


Active Member
I have about 6 large and 6 small Nassarius in my 29 biocube along with some cerith's *(hard to keep track of how many the stupid hermits like their shells) and one fighting Conch.


Active Member
Well, so far my clown goby is doing alright.....he has found his own little cave that the LB can't find him in and when I feed the tank he shoots out and sucks food from the squirter like a baby from a bottle. the LB doesn't eat that way so hopefully it works out......i am very happy about that...
Corals are doing fab-u-lous.......i reaquascaped to help with the aggression issue a bit...seems to have worked. i will be picking up the last of the additives i need for the tank. iodine.....etc and some corals and super glue gel this coming week.......look for da pictures!!


Active Member
I would rethink the 6line. do some searching here and see some of the results of adding this fish others have experienced.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I would rethink the 6line. do some searching here and see some of the results of adding this fish others have experienced.
I have been actually. I was reading up on him and I may just do another clown that is a lot smaller and a maybe a firefish or a small angel. But I definitely don't want to rush that. If I get the angel I want my tank to be very mature. I am thinking that I will get the clown soon though so they can get confortable with each other. I would ideally like the mated pair and one other swimming fish that hangs out in the water column but is outgoing (hence the sixline thinking). I don't really care for banggai much........any suggestions?
i was thinking a coral beauty......I might be pushing the bioload a bit too much though....Not sure......I have nothing but time though. so no rush...


Active Member
I am still contemplating that last fish.........cannot decide for the life of me....I waver between, fairy wrasse, flasher wrasse, sixline wrasse and small dwarf angel.........grrrrr...

On a happy note, I place my order today for some drangonfly and hobgoblin zoos, a porcelain crab and some turbos. I also picked up two peppermint shrimp today as well as my start to my diy mini refugium. It is a 20 gallon rated filter. I am going to turn the flow down very low, add some sand, lr rubble, and the ball of chaeto that I have with my 20w LED and pick up some pods to put in there.......hopefully they will breed in there a bit easier......I tried this on one side of my large filter and there was too much flow I think.....the pods just got thrown into the tank immediately.....maybe some tiny snails to keep it clean....I will post some pics when I have it set up......


Active Member
Originally Posted by mtbenino
I vote fairy wrasse....sixline to common.
i agree....and their diet is the same as the mandarins...well, most wrasses for that manner, so I guess that wouldn't matter.........do you have one that you like a lot that you would recommend?.....I am still leaning toward the McCosker's.....really beautiful.........


Active Member
I like the slope in the aquascaping, looking good! Have you ever thought about geting that clown a mate? Two are even better than one!

Oh, FYI- My tank raised perc's have never hosted anything but my 2-banded clown hosted a mushroom leather while it was in his tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
I like the slope in the aquascaping, looking good! Have you ever thought about geting that clown a mate? Two are even better than one!

Oh, FYI- My tank raised perc's have never hosted anything but my 2-banded clown hosted a mushroom leather while it was in his tank.
Actually I realized that I forgot to put that I ordered his gf yesterday along with my corals. At this store they are specifically going to put a group of 20 or so with some bubbletips and the nicest one that hosts the fastest will be sent to me.....yeah I am hoping that they take to the bubble tip that I am going to get but I want to give my tank a little time to get more mature before adding one.....
Thanks for the compliment!! I actually got my last peice of LR yesterday. I got this large 6 pound (for my tank) peice of totoka rock. It's beautiful! For the most part, my aquascape is finished. Mostly because I really can't fit anything else in there without it looking silly.....I have about 36 pounds now. I also got two peppermint shrimp because I do have some small aiptasia that I want to get rid of......they immediately went and hid....lol. Haven't seen them since.....

My diy refugium went well. Everything fit very nicely. I had to put the light on the outside. That is okay though as it is clear and the light gets through from my tank and the led fine.
Next steps will be to add some chemi pure elite to one of the sides of my main filter where the refugium was set up, and get some reef glue to place these frags that I have......question though for anyone, is that glue easy to break off if you want to move the frag later?? I have never used it before.......
Pics to come tonight!!


Active Member
Siphon the bubble algae (Valonia sp.) out with your siphon tube at the next water change. That way if it does break the spores will come out with the siphoned water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Siphon the bubble algae (Valonia sp.
) out with your siphon tube at the next water change. That way if it does break the spores will come out with the siphoned water.
Thanks.....the emerald ate all the bubble algae like a week after he was in there though......and the peppermints have started on the couple of small aiptasia that I have already.....so i am happy about that.....
on a happy note, the lfs has the male exquisite wrasse that i was looking at in quarantine right now. he is due to come out on my bday!! (april 21st) so i am super excited and put a down payment on for him to hold him.....so beautiful!!! I know they do get a little larger but most of the research say they are peaceful fish......this will complete my fish in my tank so just corals are next!!


Active Member
here is the pic of my diy refugium.....it has about half a cup of sand, 5 peices of small lr rubble, and a ball of chaeto. On the side you can see my light which is 20 watts.....it's working very well......and some random tank shots....my new zoos are coming soon!!!!
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