hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......


Active Member
Hey let me know what you guys think of the following corals.....I like how they look and want to know if any are hard/easy, attractive...so on and so forth...
zoos-red, super green
leather-toadstool yellow
candy cane
bird's nest- pink
blue echinata
brain coral-glass goblet
purple mushroom coral
red planet table
trumpet coral
thanks for the advice....


Active Member
Another question is i have some weird snotty looking stuff starting to grow on some base rock that I have. i bought some small pieces of live rock and set them on this larger piece. it is kind of whitish and opaque and is spreading in little patches. it came off easily when i pushed at it. is this good or bad or just part of cycling??? What the heck is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Hey let me know what you guys think of the following corals.....I like how they look and want to know if any are hard/easy, attractive...so on and so forth...
zoos-red, super green
leather-toadstool yellow
candy cane
bird's nest- pink
blue echinata
brain coral-glass goblet
purple mushroom coral
red planet table
trumpet coral
thanks for the advice....
no advice??


Active Member
And here is a FTS......I really love how my tank looks so far.....any opinions on my aquascape? Do I need more LR, different spots for it, etc?? All opinions are very welcomed. So far all readings are 0.
Kind starting to wonder about the cycle....it's been week already....you would think I would start to see something.
Attachment 219921


Active Member
yah I agree on the rock for sure......there is a lfs which is supposed to have some awesome LR with coraline and some corals already attached for 7.99 so I am going to go check it out.....I am also going to get some pods to put into the tank to get them populating.
I am starting to wonder though........my levels are still all 0. This test kit definitely isn't wrong. It's brand new. I have had the tank running since 2/14/09. I would think I would see something by this point, right? At least a little rise in ammonia or nitrite. I have been ghost feeding it but the LR was fully cured that I put in there and the sand was some that I bought dry from the LFS with the expectaton that the LR would seed it. Do you think it's possible that it won't go through a cycle at all?


Active Member
I got the test kit on the 19th of feb and have checked it everyday since then. The tank started cycling on the 14th....my valentine's day tank lol........
There has never been any change at all.....kind of unlikely that it cycled in 5 days, especially since I added LR after that too. It was all fully cured rock though so I don't know. I have to do a top off today and I will check it before that. I guess if I don't see any thing by this Friday I will order some cuc for the algae that is growing beautifully...lol.
I have decided I want a emerald crab
10 astrea snails
10 jade hermit crabs
and a teddy bear conch
for now......later on I will add some different things but I think that is plenty for right now.....


Active Member
gotcha....my line of thinking was that I didn't want to add too many too fast and have them starve. Little at a time and all that. I actually am gonna order some pods first and let them start to reproduce in the tank....


Active Member
Oh the other thing I was going to get was a mouse cowrie.....anything special I should know about them or are they just basially a snail??