hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......


Active Member
Well, I got my first CUC last night!!! They are so awesome!!
I have one emerald crab (wow, talk about hungry.....he cleaned an entire rock in two hours, and he is funny as hell! He would stop while he was eating to scratch his little hairy legs...lol)

3 tricolor hermits (very cute)
and 3 astrea snails (hardly move at all yet, prolly still adjusting to the tank)
I also got some live rock that was already cycled and got like 4 brittle stars and these two little tiny starfish that were crawling all over the glass on it as hitchhikers. Very very cool!!
Still no change in my water testing......
salinity is between 1.024 and 25
temp 79.5
ph is 8.4
amm is 0
nitrite is 0
nitrate is 0
Pics will be comng tonight........

The nest steps is to get the calcium mixture and test and the powerhead


Active Member
True.......I was kind of thinking variety......I wil prolly get a few turbos as well.......I am kind of stuck as to what I want to add next......I think I need some more CUC but I would like to add some zoo frags of some kind. I guess I could do both huh? I think I need to start looking into a protein skimmer before I start the corals though. What do you think about just a hang on the back one? Hopefully one where I can add some chaeto and a little light....


Active Member
You got just a 29gallon glass tank right? i would skip the skimmer and get 2 aquaclear filters. One with chemi-pure elite and purigen in it and the other with cheato,LR and a small light


Active Member
But the whole point of the skimmer is get the stuff off the top of the water......the other filter won't do that.....or do you think there won't be an issue with it because of the extra filtration?


Active Member
i dont have a skimmer and i dont have stuff on top of water... there wont be extra filtration, one aquaclear will be a small fuge and the other will hold your chemi-pure, purigen and filter floss.


Active Member
i don't have chemipure or purigen or floss. i have a filter with a charcoal pad and a separate pad for housing beneficial bacteria that doesn't get removed. I change the charcoal pad every month. i could do another filter with chaeto and live rock and a light but i don't know if I need to or if a skimmer would work better.


Active Member
I would def get the other filter and do the small fuge... But i still think you should gut the other filter and and replce with chemi-pure,purigen and filterfloss
Chemi-pure elite:
Your fish will live a healthier life - up to 4 times longer. Works equally well in marine or freshwater aquariums to remove heavy metals, copper, phenol, ammonia, and other nitrogenous waste. Helps keep pH at a consistently safe range and your water sparkling clear. Fantastic for use with African Cichlids and Discus. Chemi-Pure Elite adds ferric oxide to the original Chemi-Pure formula to also remove phosphates and silicates, making it the only complete choice for filtering any kind of aquarium.
Premium synthetic adsorbent removes soluble and insoluble aquarium impurities. Purigen is a macro-porous, synthetic polymer that removes proteins and a broad spectrum of organics at a rate and capacity that exceeds all other chemical filter media by over 500%. Controls ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, by removing nitrogenous organic waste materials. Seachem Purigen also significantly raises redox to improve aquarium water quality and clarity.


Active Member
Hmmm. I am gonna leave it as is for now but thanks very much for the info.....if I see any issues with any of those then I will convert. So far so go though. Everything has remained stable at 0. I think I may get a small filter to use as a fuge though. I am all for natural filtration!!

I checked my calcium last night and it was at 400 so I am happy about that...
Looking to get some frags pretty soon.
I gotta get some more pics up. I was a my lfs last night to get some pods to seed the tank and they had the mouse cowrie (absolutely beautiful, with this shiny brown and cream colored shell!) I wanted for 10.00 and a lawnmower blenny which I had decided would be my first fish for 5.00!!!! I have not seen them this low anywhere. It was definitely fate....

I absolutely love this store sooo much. They qt all their fish for a month before they release them. You can purchase them prior to that though and they will continue the qt and call you when it is finished.
Anyway, this little fishy got dripped for an hour and while he was doing that I put in some little spirulina pellets that another store has in bulk so my cuc has some extra food on the side and then I released him into the tank. He started eating the pellets plus the algae on the rocks within 5 minutes and would eat a little and then go back and check out some caves. So AWESOME!!!! Absolutely adorable!!!
I will try to get pics up ASAP!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
cant wait to see the blenny, i love those lil guys
Yeah...me too now!! Super cute fish. I can't wait to see his personality come out more. Still hides if someone comes by the tank too quickly but then comes back out when you are quiet for a couple minutes.


Active Member
they will do that, i have 2 scooters, one in my 24g and one in my 12g.. They are soooo cute, once they get to know you they will come out and right up to the tank to see you..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
they will do that, i have 2 scooters, one in my 24g and one in my 12g.. They are soooo cute, once they get to know you they will come out and right up to the tank to see you..
Right on!! I can't wait.


Active Member
Okay so here are the next fish I am thinking of......
I prolly am pushing a bit with the bioload on this but here is what I would want for the stocklist:
I already have the LB.
I would also like a false perc
a sixline
a pistol shrimp and goby pairing
and a flameback angel. I have heard they stay around the 3 inch mark so I am not too concerned with it other than making sure it gets enough algae to eat.
So 3 free swimming fish and 2 that stay toward the bottom.
Prolly pushing it a bit huh? Do you think there is any possible way to make it work?
And.....if I can what is the order to add them in?? I love the colors I could get with this group.


Active Member
i think you should be good, just make sure you dont add to many too soon... The best is maybe 2 fish topps a month
i think 6line should be added last