HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

So i had to bring my Yellow tang home. My LFS couldnt hold him any longer. Coming on 3 weeks now in a copper system. So i had to set up a hospital tank and try and get rid of the black ich on my own. I really dont get how the black ich is holding on so strong after being in a system with a high copper concentration.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
I really dont get how the black ich is holding on so strong after being in a system with a high copper concentration.
Copper doesn't do anything to the ich attached to fish. it works on the ich after the stage where ich drops off. copper works fairly fast once the ich has gone into the life cycle where it drops off. two of the three weeks needed for copper to be effective is just waiting for the ich to fall off.
I shall. I'm going to give this rid ich a week then i'll try hypo. I feel bad for my fish. He went from my DT to a tiny cube in a copper system to a 10g with rid ich and then maybe hypo. This tang is a trooper.


Active Member
just dont do hypo and copper at the same time= deadly. copper works alot faster and requires alot less accuracy to be effective.


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
Ah I see. Well now I am using RID ICH on the hospital tank with a 25% water change everyday.
Just add a neon goby. It will clean your tang and with a lot less stress for him. I had a tang with black ich. I added a neon goby. It went right to him and was cleaning away. It was amazing to watch him eat the crusted ich spots. The tang loved it. Just sort of laid to it's side and let the neon clean away. Haven't seen it since, but neon cleans daily.
hmmmm. I might give that a try. Another thing I noticed was my temperature flux my DT went through. I adjusted that so now we will see what will happen. My powder blue couldn't be pulled out (couldn't catch him), so we started dosing the DT with ich attack. Yesterday my PBT was covered in white ich, so I looked into what else could be causing it and I found my tank doing a 5 degree change everyday. Also I was dosing into the sump so I think like half of the ich attck was getting sucked into the skimmer before it got to the tank so wasn't working.
Ok so i picked up a neon goby today. So i guess we'll see what happens. Hopefully it will work out and this problem will get nipped in the bud. I also adjusted my tank temps so now there isn't so much of a flux.
So one of my dusters tossed it's crown this morning. i hope it will grow it back and survive. I have never dealt with it before. Any advice?


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
So one of my dusters tossed it's crown this morning. i hope it will grow it back and survive. I have never dealt with it before. Any advice?
I have heard of that happening. But i cant remember why they do it. But it should grow back


I have heard 2 things..
1. they do it as a sign of growth...and the new head will grow back in about 2 weeks
2. they do it as a sign of stress, and lack of food...you may or may not get a new head....and the new head will eventually not come back anymore
Maybe an expert can tell which one is right...or if in a way they both are
I had a dusters head go, then it came back beautiful and bigger in about 2 weeks...I had another one go, come back smaller, and then disappear
soooooooo...who knows....lol
hmm. I feed my tank a lot but I don't spot feed so it could be a lack of food. I have heard the same, but never have I heard it from someone who had them grow back. So I guess I will have some hope. I made sure all my levels were fine so I guess I can just ride it out and see.


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
hmm. I feed my tank a lot but I don't spot feed so it could be a lack of food. I have heard the same, but never have I heard it from someone who had them grow back. So I guess I will have some hope. I made sure all my levels were fine so I guess I can just ride it out and see.
LOL...sorry my answer was a little confusing, but like I said...I have had both scenarios happen to me


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
No i understood. Kinda gave me some hope with this. Cause I have had some that say it will NOT grow back if they toss the plume
OH...well...like the movie..."Sometimes They Come Back"....