HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary


Active Member
when you say feed the tank are you referring to corals? the featherdusters need to be fed. I feed my 3 microvert once a week. I turn off the return and squirt some from a turkey towards each one.


Active Member
I am thinking about getting number 4. I like them. as for the crown being tossed it might be from stress. that is the common problem. was there any fish messing with it?
When feeding the tank I just turn off the return and dump food on each side of the tank. I will start spot feeding the one that still has its crown. I never see the fish messing with them. I do know that the hermits will climb on them and pick at the shell but thats it. We lost one a couple weeks ago as well. One day he was there and the next time I looked no mas. I am starting to think feather dusters are that one thing I can keep alive. I am a big believer in everyone has that one creature, that is considered easy, that they cant keep alive in their tanks.

But all aside I looked into my tank today all I saw was the tube and like 1/4 of the worm laying on the sand in front of the tube. So I guess I am to assume that the duster is done?


Active Member
they can grow them back. I had a coco worm that shed his and grew them back. I believe what caused that was a damsel that picked on it when first introduced. are you sure the hermits arent irritating it?
No I am not sure. They very well could be. So should I (from now on) just use a dropper and squirt some of the food I am feeding at the dusters? When I feed the food floats by them and through the feathers, but I will spot feed from now on.
Hola folks. So I picked up some new stuff today. I got a Purple rim monti cap and a pearl bubble coral. I am way excited. They are getting acclimated right now and will be in my tank in a bit. I will take pictures when I get them placed.
Also just on a weird note. As through evap, I loose water in the tank (like usual). The thing I don't get is my salinity or specific gravity don't change. It's weird. I'm not complaining or anything, I just though I would have to be topping off to get my salinity under control. I just top off to keep my water level where I want them in the sump and not for salinity control.
Okay so here is a picture of one the corals I bought. I finally got my purple rim monti cap. It was awesome until I bumped it when vacuuming the crap out of my tank and chipped off a piece (still awesome but kinda pissed for not being a tad more careful) Also I think one of my hermits hit my digi and broke one of the branches off. Needless to say my corals seem to be taking a beating lately. Other than that they are blooming and growing like crazy.
Yeah. I am just super lucky to have 2 very good coral frag stores in my area. I can for sure say if I went with what my local lfs has for coral choice, I would have some ugly corals.
So i ordered my new sump tank today. It's a 30g show. 36x16x12
I am gonna try my hand in putting in the baffles. We'll see how it goes. I added a picture to show you my idea on where and what i am doing. first baffle is 10" tall. Then the baffles to the refug are 5 inches from the bottom then about a 1 or so inch gap then one to the top. Then the refug then another that is 10" tall. then one that is 2 inches off the bottom. tell me what you think.
Come on folks. I could use some help here. Also going to the coral farmers market on sunday. Really excited. Hoping to pick up some awesome corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
So i ordered my new sump tank today. It's a 30g show. 36x16x12
I am gonna try my hand in putting in the baffles. We'll see how it goes. I added a picture to show you my idea on where and what i am doing. first baffle is 10" tall. Then the baffles to the refug are 5 inches from the bottom then about a 1 or so inch gap then one to the top. Then the refug then another that is 10" tall. then one that is 2 inches off the bottom. tell me what you think.
How much flow do you plan on going through here?
I asume the input is on the right on the drawing?
What are you going to put in the fug?
This is the order. The overflow drains into a filter sock on the left side. The protein skimmer is also in that first chamber. The into the refug which will have either mud or live sand (never used mud before) and chaeto. It will have about 650 gph running through it with running a rio 12hf. I didn't calculate flow when i designed it (didn't even think about it and wouldn't know how)


Active Member
The idea will work.
How deep is the skimmer supposed to be? ie...5" or 6" ect...If the skimmer is going to go in that first chamber then the depth is very important. It is a good chamber to put the skimmer in as the water level wont vary.
The second set of baffels you have with the gap tward the bottom will work. Don't go any less then 1" gap IMO. It could pose a problem with stiring up the sand bed as all the flow will by directed across the top of it. You could eliminate them all together and gain more room for the return pump chamber. The return pump chamber is where all the evap is going to show up. So the smaller it is the more frequient the water addition will have to be to keep it from running dry.
What material do you plan to use for the baffels? If it is a glass tank I recomend glass baffels.
The Rio you referenced to. I hope the "hf" isn't the estamated head height for your tank. How far will the refug be below the tank?
What size plumbing do you intend to run?
How many outlets will the return have?
How are you going to drain the water from the disply to the refug?
More to come after you answer those.
The skimmer chamber I put at 10". Its just a guess. I bought my ASM used so I have no idea the correct depth for it. I have been keeping the water at between 8-10" in the sump its in now. I have 1 1/2" drasin lines coming off my HOB overflow. the return has 2 outlets. The hf stands for hyperflow. They are the higher flow pumps from rio. I have a sump right now but its a 20 tall (insisted on by my fish guy despite me telling him I wanted a 36" tank so I could add a refug). The refug is directly under my tank and there is a 4 ft head to the return (simple calculation head). I put the gap because I have heard the flow through the refug is better than water flowing over it. And yes I did intend on using glass baffles. Acrylic doesn't glue to glass very well. The return chamber is gonna be around 7 or 8" x 12"


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
The skimmer chamber I put at 10". Its just a guess. I bought my ASM used so I have no idea the correct depth for it. I have been keeping the water at between 8-10" in the sump its in now. I have 1 1/2" drasin lines coming off my HOB overflow. the return has 2 outlets. The hf stands for hyperflow. They are the higher flow pumps from rio. I have a sump right now but its a 20 tall (insisted on by my fish guy despite me telling him I wanted a 36" tank so I could add a refug). The refug is directly under my tank and there is a 4 ft head to the return (simple calculation head). I put the gap because I have heard the flow through the refug is better than water flowing over it. And yes I did intend on using glass baffles. Acrylic doesn't glue to glass very well. The return chamber is gonna be around 7 or 8" x 12"

Well if you had to and you have the height avalibe in the stand then you could place the skimmer on a stand to get it up out of the water a bit. What modle ASM do you have? I think they are adjustable too.
Rio is not know for making much GPH when faced with much head pressure. I see that they are claming 630GPH at 4 feet of head. I don't think you will see that. It should push the amount of water you need it to. You will be within the acceptible limits of a refug.
You are right about the water flowing through the refug instead of over it. A small power head would keep it churned up for you to down there. It could even be placed to blast on the cheato. Just another idea.
Glade to hear you are putting in glass.