HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
I have a mini g (another recommendation from one of my old fish guys). Upgrading as soon as the funds say so to a g1
Bro, the day it all came time to check out, it was your cash. He must have been one heck of a salesman.
You know it was more my lady next to me going "honey he works here listen to him. He obviously knows what he is talking about". She now listens to me about the tank instead of anyone else. She bought the the protein skimmer. I bought the 20g tank used for the sump (which was a "ok fine i'll buy it but I know its not gonna work"). But no loss though cause I am gonna use the 20 to mix my salt water in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
You know it was more my lady next to me going "honey he works here listen to him. He obviously knows what he is talking about". She now listens to me about the tank instead of anyone else. She bought the the protein skimmer. I bought the 20g tank used for the sump (which was a "ok fine i'll buy it but I know its not gonna work"). But no loss though cause I am gonna use the 20 to mix my salt water in.

I think we have all been there.
So in a further attempt to not have to go to the lfs around here anymore I am considering getting and RO/DI unit or an RO unit. I dont know which is better to use and which one is a good one to use. I was looking in the 3 stage Coralife Pure-Flo II RO unit.


Active Member
RO/DI is better then just RO. However, any one of the two is better then tap, distilled, or even buying RO,RO/DI from some where, as you don't know when thier filters were last changed.
As far as a good one................How much do you want to spend. I am waiting for the spectra pure UHE to be able to utilize a storage tank. Then I will go with it so I can cook, make ice, tank water, ect....The thing I like about this unit is the waste level. It is a 1:1 ratio. The thing I hate most about RO,RO/DI systems it the waste. Some people are good in that they recycle that water but I don't think most do. Some units are a 4:1 ratio. $ gallons wasted for 1 gallon of pure water.........just horid IMO.
The other ones I would get if I could not have the UHE would be spectra pures maxcapp unit. Then I would buy one from Buck eye field supply.
Well I like the UHE system but in no way can i afford that. I can pay maybe around 250 with pump. I was looking at the Kent Marine Maxxima 24 GPD RO/DI System. I looks like it doesn't use a pump but I dunno. I like the buck eye unit but have never heard of it so I'm sure if I see some reviews on it, I will be very pleased with it.


Active Member
There is a bit of hocus pocus in the RO/DI market. I am not even too much of a fan of the filter guys stuff. I have no knowledge of the knet line.
If I remember right the Buck eye unit uses the same carbon guzzler as the spectra pure units. It is the membraine that is a bit different. Not much if I recall correctly.
Maybe you might check out bulk reef supply.
I think if you started a new thread on just the RO/Di units you will get more help. Folks just aren't coming in to help as this is about your tank.
Well..... It's got to that point where I am getting frustrated. You don't do one thing and bam your screwed. So I bought a purple rim monti cap and now its slowing going away cause of the discovery today of nudibraches chomping away at it. Also I don't quarantine one fish cause the my fish guy tells me that all the fish they bring in are good and go through quarantining to make sure they are good. Well it turns out all he meant was the tanks are run with copper so not really quarantined. So now I have an ich outbreak and nudi's chomping on my montis. Well I am gonna do what I was trying to avoid. I am gonna pull all the corals and dip them once a week until everything is gone. I am also pulling all my rock out to catch the fish and they are all going in a separate tank for a while to get treated and to let the tank run fishless for however long it needs to to get rid of the ich. The plus side is this will give me a chance to scrub the rock and remove all the cyano. Lets hope this will be the last time. I am never trying to take the easy road again. Ever! Quarantine everything and dip every coral you put in!
Well i dipped all my sps today. The only one affected was my purple rim. I unfortunately wish i could i have got to him sooner. The nudis did some good amount of damage. Going to dip them again next week and again every week for the next 4 weeks. So sad about this. hopefully he can recover and grow into a awesome monti cap. I posted before and after photos. The after photo I took with a flash so you can see the damage better (my halides had turned off so my atinics made it very hard to take a true color photo with the damage showing)



Active Member
That just sucks. Are you sure it is nudis? What are you dipping in?
I am going through some recesion on my Chalice. I am gonna try and do a vresion of the Inteceptor treatment. I can't get the real deal so I am going to go with somthing else. I have done a lot of reading.
I am quite positive that they were. you could see their little "frillys". I looked them up on google images and sure enough it was them. I am using two little fishies revive croal dip. It is what the local frag shop uses and recommended. It seems to have worked cause i see no more and there were alot.
On a side note I just discovered that I am to never unplug my lifter pump to clean it without also unplugging my return pump. I immediately lost the bubble and then only discovered it as the water started cascading over the tank. ( I am so glad the lady wasnt home!!!!!!! LOL)
Yeah. I am so lucky we dont have carpet. The tank is on tile. I would have been dead if it was carpet. I ended up telling her and she just laughed (more at the fact that my first reaction was not to unplug the return pump but attempt to hold the water in. Amazing how conveniently the brain shuts off in time of panic.
As it turns out i didn't get all of the nudi's so round 2 is coming here on sunday or monday.


Active Member
Arghhh, Darned pests. If only we could just move the ocean. It sure would be a lot eaiser. At least that is how it would seem sometimes.
Good Luck.
Why is it crap always happens when your like 2 days from fixing the problem? I went away for a couple days to visit family and came home to my powder blue no longer with us. I know he died from the ich. I was like 2 days from pulling everyone out and tossing them in a tank to cure the ich once and for all. Well i am still going to do this but damn if i can find a powder blue again that was a vibrant as Mr. Blue. I think my girl now gets that when I say we need to do something right now I am not joking. No more waiting.
On a bright side I am so happy that with me feeding every other day now, bigger sump, and shorter light times I am getting a hold on the cyanobacteria. It's finally starting to recede.
Hello folks. It has been a long time since i have posted on here. Again i start to post again. I moved out of my girls place back in October. I am finally able to move my tank to my new house on Friday. I have not seen it since October. I am so excited. I do know that I lost a lot of my creatures but hopefully I will be able to fix everything that went wrong while i was away from my babies. LOL.
P.S. Never leave your creatures to be cared for by someone who really doesn't care about the tank.