Home made fish food.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Sorry for not reposting when you asked the question Coral Keeper. I feed this home made food to Koran Angel, Pinstripe Wrasse, Porcupine Puffer, Maroon Clown, and a Yellow Tang. All of them ate it wildly as it floated around the tank. I was surprised that the puffer even touched it because he never eats any veggies. Just more nutrients for him I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I didn't put a lot of salmon in it, i put a very little bit of salmon. I hear that salmon is very good for fish because it is oily and the oil contains a TON of vitamins. I suggest that who is going to be making home made fish food put a little bit of fresh garlic instead of bottled juice garlic. Dos anyone els have some yummy fish food recipes they can share?

Unfortunately, freezing the food ruins the beneficial aspects of "fresh" garlic. That's why I suggest bottled garlic. Easier to administer doses to frozen food.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
I just made some today actually, I use a blender to mix the foods together. I added Spinach, Lettuce, Shrimp, scallops, and squid. This is my first time making my own fish food. After i was done blending it i flattened it on some tin foil in a square shape and then froze it. I will post to tell you if my fish liked it or not.

Feeding your fish spinach and lettuce probably isnt the greatest idea. Im not sure if it hurts them, but from what I hear you should never feed an animal something that does not grow where it lives. Supposedly vegetables, since they grow on land have no nutritious value for animals that are in the ocean.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tony44
Feeding your fish spinach and lettuce probably isnt the greatest idea. Im not sure if it hurts them, but from what I hear you should never feed an animal something that does not grow where it lives. Supposedly vegetables, since they grow on land have no nutritious value for animals that are in the ocean.

I have to diagree with you on this one. Then adding garlic to a fishes food is good for them???? Then how come veggies aren't?? The last time I checked garlic doesn't grow in the ocean.
I have fed my herbivores lettuce and spinach for a very long time and I have had great success with them eating it. So I beleive you have heard wrong.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
I have to diagree with you on this one. Then adding garlic to a fishes food is good for them???? Then how come veggies aren't?? The last time I checked garlic doesn't grow in the ocean.
I have fed my herbivores lettuce and spinach for a very long time and I have had great success with them eating it. So I beleive you have heard wrong.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Lettuce is worthless, Garlic is great, ginger helps too


Soaking food in garlic, and giving garlic to fish is an ongoing debate. Many think that garlic does nothing for a fish's immune system, many think that it does help. There is one true thing about garlic that both sides will agree on, it entices picky eaters to eat, I guess they like the taste and smell of it. I don't really have an opinion on garlic, I have fed it to my fish before, but I dont often.
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
I have to diagree with you on this one. Then adding garlic to a fishes food is good for them???? Then how come veggies aren't?? The last time I checked garlic doesn't grow in the ocean.
I have fed my herbivores lettuce and spinach for a very long time and I have had great success with them eating it. So I beleive you have heard wrong.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tony44
Soaking food in garlic, and giving garlic to fish is an ongoing debate. Many think that garlic does nothing for a fish's immune system, many think that it does help. There is one true thing about garlic that both sides will agree on, it entices picky eaters to eat, I guess they like the taste and smell of it. I don't really have an opinion on garlic, I have fed it to my fish before, but I dont often.
Exactly... I'm not sure what it does for their immune system but I've used it to get finicky eaters to feed. I add it to my frozen food mix to get fish in QT used to eating what my display is fed.


People even use garlic on there fishing lures to attract fish. No joke.
Lettuce and spinach leaves I'd stay away from. It takes them longer to break down in the fishes system unless you nuke it for around 10 sec's to break down the glucose. Still not very nutritious. Go with the Nori and garlic for veggies.


save yourself the trouble and just buy Rod's Food, google it...its by far the best food produced....its made by the Anemone expert Rod Buehler at his store in Dekalb, IL


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
save yourself the trouble and just buy Rod's Food, google it...its by far the best food produced....its made by the Anemone expert Rod Buehler at his store in Dekalb, IL
Why would I buy someone else's food, that includes ingredients I wouldn't feed my fish, with no ingredients I can't put in my own mix, for far more money then I pay to make my own?

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, i made a diary thats called "Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary." in the nano tank section if anyone is interested in looking at my bio cube and its got a LOT of pics and i will be posting more pics.


My wife and I have made our fish food for two years now and they love it I have
Clowns 2
PJs 2
engineer gobi 1
Star fish 1
blue Chromis 2
Mandrin Dragonnet 1
Camel bach shrimp 1
Salley light foot 1
Emerald 1
My food is made from Shrimp Scallops Fish and Spinich and I add garlic
put it all in the blender and mix it well freez it in small containers slice off pcs and feed away they love it

Good luck Manny


Led zep
you can find nori in the asian section of the store. Ask the manager. Most stores carry it if they do not.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks Smoothy, about the lettuce and the spinach now. Most experts say that feeding your fish spinach or lettuce mimics the seaweed and ect, that are found in the ocean. These veggies have the vitamins that a fish needs AS APART of its diet. Not its whole diet but apart of it. For someone too say "It doesn't grow in the ocean so it shouldn't be fed/ introtuced to the fish" is a rediculous comment. Then fish shouldn't be kept in aquariums if it's that way.
Garlic may have some effects in the fishes overall health and its immune system. So how does this comment / quote come into effect?? I'm not trying to start a fight I just wanted to comment on what someone said in this thread.