Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!


Hello all. As some of you know I am a rare fish junky!!! I constantly search for pics of fish that I have never seem or rarely see and add them to my huge library of pictures. So enjoy!!! Which one would you take if had the chance???!!!! Tim



I would have to take the niger, which is the last picture of the angel. I absolutely love Angels and Rare fish. So this fish is about as good as it gets.... Some more eye candy!! T




The first pic of the what looks like a blue colored queen?? I think I read that they go back to normals colors though.


Yes Regina you are correct, many of those weird color abberants change when the fish are kept in captivity. Some pictures of fish that changed when they were kept in captivity below. T
By the way these are some of my all time favorite fish.
Blue Morph Potters that changes back to orange.

Simply STUNNING!!!

This Trigger turned back to normal colors within 3 months of captivity!!!


The last picture of that angel will hold that color throughout it's life because it is a hybrid and not a color morph. Also to note is that not all color morph fish change back to their "normal" colors". T


myerst22, do you happen to have any good sites about color morphs? I would love to read more about them, but I cannot seem to find a good article to read. Anything I have found is just a sentence ot two about a single specimen.

I have also read somewhere that the queens can be kept the blue color if fed the right diet.. I can't remember where I read it though..


Active Member
At first glance the first pic looks like a Clipperton Angel....The Queen/Blue color morph is about as cool.


Hey Regina. I think I do have some literature about color morphs in angels and Tangs. I will try and dig it out. As far as the color morphs changing when the fish are kept in captivity. Many believe it is a dietary issue. The color morph is caused by them eating very specific food items. In other cases, especially in Tangs. The color morph is caused by a harmless fungus they acquire when they are young in life. In this case, such as koi tangs, the fish usually keep these colors. T


Originally Posted by Blayz77
could i get a id on these two i like them a lot

I dont know what they are but I love that top one. Wonder if it a female and male picture or a adult with a juvenile