Active Member
Originally Posted by CoralJunkie
Update. Austin talked with John yesterday and he is fragging replacements for the ones that were lost. This will include the black widows as they don't look like they are going to make it. He will ship them only after they have healed up and are opening in his tank. The Mohawks he suggested placing them lower in the tank to see if they color up (doubt it) but if they do not he will replace them as well. Hopefully we can get past our initially trouble and move on.
I would strongly suggest to him that he frag those as well, so we don't have to pay shipping twice.
Update. Austin talked with John yesterday and he is fragging replacements for the ones that were lost. This will include the black widows as they don't look like they are going to make it. He will ship them only after they have healed up and are opening in his tank. The Mohawks he suggested placing them lower in the tank to see if they color up (doubt it) but if they do not he will replace them as well. Hopefully we can get past our initially trouble and move on.

I would strongly suggest to him that he frag those as well, so we don't have to pay shipping twice.