How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I know, you all don't like being lectured about this habit, but it just boggles my mind that people can still smoke cigarettes. Here is something that people probably don't say to your face but are generally thinking... YOU SMELL! I can smell you when we are in the same room, I can smell you even if you have gum in your mouth, I can smell your coat in the closet. While you may be used to it, you should be aware that this is really a very objectionable odor. Couple this with the facts that your teeth are yellow, your voice is raspy, your skin looks like a catcher's mitt and you spend a large part of your day coughing up flem.
Consider these facts even if you don't care that you are potentially killing yourself and killing those around you.
Sorry if this is rude but I just don't understand how people still smoke. 30 years ago nobody understood the true danger in smoking. But now you all know what you are doing to yourselves and do it anyway. Why?
I'm just tired of hugging my smoker friends, and talking to people who smell as if they spent the day eating garbage. Rant over...

for one thing its an addiction , I havnt met a smoker yet that doesnt want to quite, ask yourself this though, how in this day and age can anyone drink alcahol,eat fast food or drink soda


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
for one thing its an addiction , I havnt met a smoker yet that doesnt want to quite, ask yourself this though, how in this day and age can anyone drink alcahol,eat fast food or drink soda
Because for the most part those don't affect the people around me. The exception would be alcohol when consumed irresponsibly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
way to butcher my quote. I guess you can not deal with the facts. you are angry for some reason...well i didnt butcher the quote...that is exactly what you typed...
and what facts?...the fact that smoking kills people and can kill the people around them?...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
http:///forum/post/2523810 you are angry for some reason...well i didnt butcher the quote...that is exactly what you typed...
and what facts?...the fact that smoking kills people and can kill the people around them?...
so does drinking , kills inocent people daily


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
so does drinking , kills inocent people daily
Hence drinking responsibly. You can't smoke responsibly, unless you have some type of isolation chamber set up? But you can enjoy alcohol and not piss the guys around you off....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Here is a Fact:
People who don't smoke will die from something else.Some sooner than smokers some later.
Veni, Veni, Veni... not your most persuasive argument ever. Unless you wish to follow your logic to its natural conclusion and argue that we all might as well sky-dive everyday and smoke crack/shoot heroine while driving at excessive speeds. Because of course everybody will die of something, right?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Veni, Veni, Veni... not your most persuasive argument ever. Unless you wish to follow your logic to its natural conclusion and argue that we all might as well sky-dive everyday and smoke crack/shoot heroine while driving at excessive speeds. Because of course everybody will die of something, right?

LOL well since you put it that way...kinda took all the fun out of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
so does drinking , kills inocent people daily
but we are not talking about drinking...and i am not threatening to spit alcohol in your face like this guy is threatening to blow smoke in mine...


What do you do when a bus or a factory threatens to blow smoke in your face? Do you get all bent out of shape and attack it?


Active Member
wonder when someone will try and sue a smoker for giving them cancer or health problems..maybe already has been tried...crimzy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
wonder when someone will try and sue a smoker for giving them cancer or health problems..maybe already has been tried...crimzy?
It'd probably be tough to prove that the particular defendant was the sole cause of the cancer with any degree of accuracy. But if you know a Dr. who will testify to that, I'm in...


Active Member
haha, since when did that stop anyone in america from sueing anyone within the kid who is sueing a teach from slaping his desk while he was sleeping on it saying he now has a hearing problem...


Originally Posted by Bronco300
wonder when someone will try and sue a smoker for giving them cancer or health problems..maybe already has been tried...crimzy?
I can gurantee you that if and undoubtedly when it happens it will be in California.