Originally Posted by
Monsinour http:///forum/thread/381526/how-do-send-a-piece-of-coral-to-someone#post_3324232
Give me his address and next september when I am in hershey again, I will pay him a visit. Kinda hard to turn someone away who is standing at your door. LOL
I would love to do something to say Thank you for Shawn (Acrylic51). I couldn’t afford the acrylic for a sump, let alone a custom made one. I do know he didn’t have that much acrylic just laying around and had to get more, then he broke the refugium and had to redo it…the time and money he has already put out…I just hope he didn’t over extend himself.
Then there is another problem, this was not a person project. 2Quills (Corey) did the plumbing and created the Fantastic Gizmo that moves surface water and breaks the siphon in a power outage. He created a whole test station to double check everything and posted the video. Al&Burk did all the work in measures and drawings so everything could be made exact and fit under my stand. Meowzer, who did all the work hunting down the perfect skimmer. Everyone else who helped to figure out the ATO container. Then are folks like you who pitched in with advice and comments to help.
So if you can come up with a way to thank them all that I can afford or do, please advise. Out of pocket and shipping is all I can come up with.
I don’t think I will make enough money in this lifetime to really express my gratitude, but it would be so nice to do something. To do something for one and not the other would be an insult, so I need an idea that honors you all..