How do you fund your hobby???


******** Decorator here, hours are good, money not bad. You kids have an opportunity to do WHATEVER you want to do! Think about it. . .That Jimmy Buffet club on a beach somewhere is a possibility if you WANT IT! So, for those of you saying you hate school, think of it as a few short years to sacrific for a LIFETIME of what you WANT!
I drive a VETT (my dream car) didn't get it by partying and being lazy!

OK, Off my mommy soap box now!


Active Member
I am in a kid in school w/ 10$ a week allowance to fund the mean machine. Took me 2 years to save up for the beast.


Originally Posted by Yimmy
I am in a kid in school w/ 10$ a week allowance to fund the mean machine. Took me 2 years to save up for the beast.
Good for you Yimmy, I admire your ability to save to what you want. Chances are, in just a few short years when you figure out what it is you want to do for a living you will succeed. I hope the best for you. What kind of BEAST did you get?


Active Member
in school - upstate medical to become a Radiological Technologist majoring in MRI and then Physicians assistant in orthopedics....umm but for now my funds come from serving at applebees every other weekend


Active Member
The "beast" is a 95gal FOWLR. I got a UV, and canister. I'm saving up for a sump. I was going to go with a reef tank but the mula was to much and if I messed up it would be a huge loss. In my tank I have a clean up crew, 2ocellaris clowns,LMB, and a longnose buttefly. My moms boss got a fish tank and knows nothing about it. He asked me if I'll go down there once a week for 75$ each visit to test his water and do changes clean filters and what not. (This guy is loaded) Back on topic though here's a pic of my tank and it's kids. Sorry the pics are a bit small



Active Member
Im your friendly neighborhood mailman. I guess it pays well. I own a house and i have 2 fairly new cars. No college degree and im making over 20 bucks an hour. Not too bad. Long Island, NY is way to expensive to live though. Oh wait im married and my wife is a RN so i guess that helps too.


I don't have a job right now..but i'm looking. I used some money I got from an accident to buy some of my equiptment. If our house was bigger I'd have bigger tanks-but limited space has kept me small-10, 15, 20 & 25 gals. I have them all over the house, where ever I can squeeze one in. Now if I can just get rid of some of my husbands stuff I'd get bigger tanks! :thinking: JK!


New Member
I am an RN and work for the Gift of Life (organ and tissue donation) I am currently working at a hospital stabilizing a donor patient so that we are able to recover the organs for transplant. It is a great job, lots of hours but gives me the means to continue my habit. I am setting up a new 65 gal next week.


i'm a loan officer in the wonderful world of mortgages. been doin this for the last 4 years and it gets crazier every day. of course the $$'s great but sometimes you don't pay attention cause you get so wrapped up in babysitting everyone.
it's worth it though. not just cause of the $$ but because you get to learn a LOT about people. there are a lott've lessons that i've learned in the office that apply out of the office.
just bought my first pad in southern cali about 6 months ago. and the very first thing i did was knock a giant hole in the living room wall to throw a 150 gallon reef tank in there. it cycles with 2 other tanks on the other side of the wall in a room that i call "the zoo". life's good i guess.
the ups are pretty high but the downz are really low too.


Active Member
One word pays for my tank/hobby..........................daddy lol.
Actually im a freshman and me and my dad are in this hobby together. He has no idea what how to keep a tank but he enjoys the tank and watching things grow and develop. I on the other hand, have a pretty good idea of what not to do and what to do to keep a tank, while i know nothing about how the equipment (i.e. lights, skimmer, etc, anything you plug into the wall). But my dad knows all about that and he can fix and take apart and put anything back together. So it ends up working out great.
Once i get my licence, (next year) I plan to get a job somewhere over the summer and maybe on weekends during the year. I dont know where yet, but that should help fund the tank and all the stuff i want to add/upgrade
I am a retired disabled Veteran. I get paid to do nothing. I am also a professional doctor consultant. <meaning I spend way to much time with doctors> LOL


I'm a skuzzy DoD contractor for the Missile Defense Agency. Basically I babysit gov't engineers all day and do their work which they always take credit for. But hey, the contractors make more money than the gov't civilians. Stick with it long enough and I bet I become their boss!
I have aspirations of opening up a local talent agency. I live in an area that is artistically saturated, so with the right lawyer, the business could boom. I used to be the performing arts director at a major university, so I'm quite familiar with contracts and riders, but alas I had to give that dream job up in persuit of financial stability. Unfortunately the arts is still a pauper's paycheck. I used to network with bands like Blues Traveler, Jonny Lang, George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars and NickleCreek. Man that was a hell of job! Hard to raise a family on that income though.