Originally Posted by MPLS MAN
sounds a great idea, but i have a Oceanic 110 gal tank that i paid 400.00 for and i wouldn't want to crack it, i know you said the glass was 3/4 thich on your 200 gal, was that hard to do??
It's me...just had to switch screen names.
Honestly, the 200gal. was the easiest to do. Here's my secret:
Be at home, one night, really really bored. Get the bright idea that you're gonna go pick up a 12 pack of MGD bottles and drink that.
Casually walk through your dining room and glance at the tank that you've wanted to drill for a long time.
*lightbulb flickers on above head*
"I'm gonna drill that *$^#&* tank!
That's basically how I did it. The next day, I couldnt believe that I'd done it, but low and behold...it was done. Since then, I cant count how many tanks I've drilled but using my method, I've never had a tank crack on me.