How much cash?


Active Member
How much cash do you normally get from the ATM? I ask because i got $200 out the other day and it seemed pretty light to me. Then I realized that I usually get out $300 or $400. I noticed the ATMs have quick cash buttons for up to $200. That is when I started wondering if I am the norm or am I taking out more than the norm.


Active Member
I almost never use an ATM because I seldom ever use cash. The three or four times a year I do get cash though when traveling, I usually get $200.00.


me too, i never use cash but its because every time i go to the atm, i will get like $80 out, and then i end up spending it... and before I know it, theres no cash left, and I dont even know what I spent it on.


Active Member
lol, geeze, this reminds me of when michael Irvin was being interviewed, and he said, man I don't even know what bill under 50 looks like...


Active Member
Very rarely use an ATM but will often get cash back when buying groceries. Usually just $40-$60 or so and that will last me all week


Active Member
I can't figure out which I'm worse at. I used to get $200 out every paycheck, and try to just use that. Living with roommates, it's easy to have cash to split buying something (restaurant bill usually), then with a check card. Also whenever I would go out, you obviously need cash for a cover charge, but you never seem to remember.
But with cash it's tempting just to spend. But with the check card, I can't keep track of what I've bought and usually end up forgetting something, usually something decent sized. Like a friggin gas upfull, that always seems to take over a week to actually post to your account... Now in AL though, I hardily use cash.


all depends how many drugs i feel like doing on said night....

j/k it varies. usually go for the quickcash $60


Active Member
you mean you deposit money in a bank? weird.
I dont withdraw money ever. I deposit what needs to come out for automatic payments and keep the rest liquid. I like money. for some reason the second money hits the bank its spent but I can ride around with cash in my pockets for a month and not spend it. (I have like a dozen stash spots that I squirrel cash into) it suprises my wife how I always seem to have a few bucks, even though she see's my check and tells me what to spend where the leftover I keep. and keep, and keep. and she is always broke. and keeps asking where I got the money. same money I had last week.

bang guy

My bank allows me to configure the quick cash button. I used to have it set for $200 but I've changed it to $100 and that seems to work.


Active Member
Well I guess I am odd then. Although thinking about it usually when I get cash I give some to my wife. She does not spend it, I do. Then when I get low she give me the money she has. When we both run out I go get more. I usually only like to spend cash on purchases of $20 or less. Anything else usually get the debit card.
Let's move this thread along. Since we all use our cards so much. Do you swipe your card while your purchase is being rung up or do you wait until everything is completed, then swipe your card?

bang guy

I swipe my card while I'm waiting for the last items to be rung up. I don't see any reason to wait until the order is totaled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
you mean you deposit money in a bank? weird.
I dont withdraw money ever. I deposit what needs to come out for automatic payments and keep the rest liquid. I like money. for some reason the second money hits the bank its spent but I can ride around with cash in my pockets for a month and not spend it. (I have like a dozen stash spots that I squirrel cash into) it suprises my wife how I always seem to have a few bucks, even though she see's my check and tells me what to spend where the leftover I keep. and keep, and keep. and she is always broke. and keeps asking where I got the money. same money I had last week.
lol, wow, that is funny.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
How much cash do you normally get from the ATM? I ask because i got $200 out the other day and it seemed pretty light to me. Then I realized that I usually get out $300 or $400. I noticed the ATMs have quick cash buttons for up to $200. That is when I started wondering if I am the norm or am I taking out more than the norm.

I only get the cash I need, one time last year I got $60.00 out to help with an office party, otherwise I never use cash. I pay bills either with auto pay or check and everything else is my swipe card.


Active Member
I swipe it while it is being rung up. I equate the people that with until it is completed and then swipe their card to those people that would wait until the order was rung up, then start to write their check.
BigA, I hear you. When my wife and I were dating we decided on the spur of the moment to go to Universal Studios. Halfway there we thought about if we had any money. Luckily we had just enough to get in. Then when we got there we got a AAA discount so we had enough for lunch. If we did not have enough money we were SOL. No ATMs to grab a few bucks out of in those days.


checks? Ive been using the same bank account for YEARS and I am on check 103 in my checkbook, meaning that Ive only used 2 checks before it. And if I recall correctly I used the first check, but then messed up and had to rip it up and use a second one...