How much $$ have you dished out? (so far)


Active Member
I shoulda just stuck with my cat/dog and my guppies... I figure so far with my new tank i've already invested at least 2k into it. A lot of you are probably laughing right now cause that isnt very much to a lot of you that have probably already went 3 times that! To me though 2k in just two months is a lot of dough.
My tank surely is beautiful though and its not even nearly finished.. I figure once I have all the improvements and corals and fish that I plan to keep i'll be looking at around 3.5k.. but it'll take probably a year before I get my tank to what I picture it of becoming.. gotta hand select all the right corals/rocks of course!
My freshwater tank which i've had for about 8 years has probably cost me a total of 200 dollars (I got the tank/stand/light for free).
Some things are insanely expensive.. I have spent 70+ dollars on just one rock (14 lbs) and I swore to myself i'd NEVER do that :needhelp: Though recently one of my more expensive purchases which I thought was TOTALLY worth it.. I got a blue mushroom rock that had 20 polyps on it for 55 dollars with a 20% discount so came to like 46 or something after tax.
So was kinda curious what you've all spent (so far)


Active Member
ha,ha,ha,ha, now that you mention it, i probably dropped over $3000 into my 45 reef over the past 5-6 yrs(please, don't tell my wife, :D ), and thats penny pinching (where i could) Wow! thats a chunk of change....... but worth every cent!!!!!!!!! :D


Active Member
$160 -55 gallon tank and pine scabinet stand
$500 -two 150watt metal halide hqi pendants
$230 -about 60 pounds of live rock
$75 -test kits
$100 -sand/live sand
$50 -three 170gph powerheads
$64 -two 330gph hob regent power filters
$40 -90gph visijet skimmer (don't laugh, I converted it to limewood airstone-driven)
$105 -additives, food, salt, water (for 6 months so far)
$60 -galaxea coral (was free from school, but this is what the go for around here)
$18- two condi anemones
$24- three saron shrimp
$9- three camel back shrimp
$9- coral banded shrimp
$26- crown leather coral
$14- sea cucumber
$5- brittle star
$14- yellow polyp frag
$8- star polyp frag
$14- giant feather duster
$4- yellow tailed damsel
$25- pulsing xenia
$18- mandarin dragonet

$1,572 total spent in six months on a 55 gallon tank
Doesn't sound like much, but when you consider that I am a student with little pay, it is a lot. I've spent $1,800 on my jeep payments in the last 6 months lol. The best way to save money is to trade frags to places like universities and pet stores, and to buy only frags.


$220.00 on a 65 gallon tank
$200.00 on wood to build tank+canopy, free labor

$240.00 on ASM G2 skimmer
$660.00 and a lot more to add, not cheap but no complain so far. :)


I have spent about a thousand this go around on a 55. Currently working on a 250 gallon with a 60 gallon sump/fuge that will run between 1000 - 1500 by the time it is fish ready (Not counting any live rock or sand)
Good thing my wife is not interested in my tanks and does read this board!


Active Member
$300 tank
$75 stand
$60 test kit
$40 skimmer "jebo 180 but I love it it was well worth it!"
$110 4x65 PC Lights with 4 moon lights
$111 75lbs of rock
$80 60lbs of sand and live sand
$20 four damsles "dont say anything I like damsles lol"
$160 Invert crew
$35 2 maxi jet 400's 1 jebo 1500 powerhead I got an extra for free since one broke and I fixed it"
$30 300Watt titanium heater with heater probe
$40 penguin 330 filter
Around $50 for my QT tank "has fake decor in it from my freshwater tank"
I think it was $60 160gallons of instant ocean
$10 hydrometer
$20 food
$5 net "cant ketch anything anyway lol"
Thats $1216 for a 55 gallon tank lol you all just dont know how to budget! lol.
Dont worrie im getting a job next month and just about everything is going into my tank "going to be anywere from $150 to $1500 I dont know forsure yet".


Active Member

Originally Posted by itchy
put it this way a DIVORCE would have been cheaper :notsure:

dang you must've been poor. i've only lost about 2k on salt and 10k on fresh. still have it all though and will for the rest of my life!!!


I've had my tank 2 1/2 months and have spent about 1000. Will probably be spending 1000 more this month on lighting and more sand! Hate thinking about how much money I'll be spending so I just think about how great my tanks gonna look and how much I'm gonna enjoy watching it!! Expensive but worth it!


about 2 months, and nearing 2,000. Thats HUGE for a poor college student taking microsoft certification tests all summer long. Those tests are costing me crazy amounts of money.


to make you feel better--on a 90 gallon tank in 6 months I have spent about 4k---includes tank, stan, 90lbs LR, fish and inverts and lighting. i am only 2/3 done I am sure!!
$2600 on tank and art. rock as well as having someone set it up
$500 on LR
$400 on fish and inverts---which 3/4 died
$500 on having someone care for it
$300 on additional lighting
$250 on suppl. for rock---but that should last 6 mo-yr
and I am sure ther is stuff I am forgetting!!
I have a koi pond in my back yard that costs 1/2 and is 1/8 of the upkeep. On the upside I h am hoping that once I have the tank estabished it will be worth every penny.