How Often


Active Member
I am currently doing weekly water changes of about 30% to lower my nitrates wich are around 60ppm. My question is, can i do a large water change a little more frequent? (P.S. i have a 29 gallon tank)


Well-Known Member
Water changes will lower but not eliminate nitrates.
IMHO what you should do is increase your nitrate consumers so that nitrates are low (unmeasureable) regardless of the water changes (or anything else) that is being done.
I recommend macro algaes in a refugium for that.
just my .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Why are your nitrates at 60?
For all i know is i kind of forgot to do a water change for a while and they were high ever since. (please advice only no criticism)
Originally Posted by wfd1008
How many fish do you have in there?
I have two ocellaris clowns, a valentini puffer, and a six line wrass. As for corals , only two mushroom corals.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy

Make sure the nitrates are not coming from your new saltwater or the levels will never go down.
I tested the water i was putting in my tank yesterday and they were at zero.
Is it definantly ok to do a change twice a week?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Hunt
how large of changes? (i only have a 29gallen)
If you match salinity, PH and temperature you could do a 100% water change twice a day. That would be excessive but it wouldn't be harmful.
Also if your worried about the size of the changes you can do 3x a week and on the 3 you do the changes you can either do 10% or split into two 5% changes those days even if you wanted. Once in the am and once at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Other than water changes, cut down on feeding
I used to feed half a cube of mysis shrimp to 3 fish, now i feed 1/4 cube of mysis shrimp and a pinch of flakes to 4 fish(6 line wrass, 2 ocellaris clowns, and a valentini puffer. I dont think theyll have enough food if i cut down more.


Originally Posted by Hunt
I used to feed half a cube of mysis shrimp to 3 fish, now i feed 1/4 cube of mysis shrimp and a pinch of flakes to 4 fish(6 line wrass, 2 ocellaris clowns, and a valentini puffer. I dont think theyll have enough food if i cut down more.

What type of mysis and flakes are you feeding. Some produce higher nitrate levels than others.
Are you feeding all at once, or over a period of time? I've noticed that food served over a longer period of time (I feed over about 30-45mins) gets consumed better than dumping all in at once. Personally, I'm not a fan of flake or pellet foods and saw a rise in nitrates when I tried them.


Active Member
ok maybe I said that incorectly (well i did say it incorrectly) its not an efficient method. it will work. eventually.
if you want to do 20 water changes to lower 10ppm nitrate to 0ppm more power to you.
so for this guy with 60ppm nitrates that would be about 120 5% water changes and thats only if he's not adding any more nitrate in the time it takes him to do them (thats also using the math that the five percent would be a set amount instead of the actual declining amount that you would be removing because at water change 2 your removing 5 percent of a lower portion meaning your removing 5% less than the last water change and on he next your removing 5% less plus the difference of the last 5 percent on an escelating pattern). or even at 10% thats still about 60 10% water changes to get the desired results......
see what I was trying to say. I do apologize for saying it wont work, it would, about 120 water changes later......