lol, like one dude said: "It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed".
But imo my main concern of air exposure and light alterations would be the dehydration of corals, also theres much more other risks due to sudden changes in coral's pigmentation, which exhibits the loss of zoothandallea.. It flauntlently shows the adverse side effects notably in sps, but for the most part any type of coral containing endosynbiotic algea will have detrimental effects (if not instant, eventually)..
This is the natural reaction of a coral to environmental stress, such alterations include, but not limited to light, temp,and other environmental conditions. You know how when u turn your lights off corals usually retract their tissue/polyps?? well that is the effect upon coral pigmentation, and preliminary implication for heat balance..
As for this statement: " refilling the tank should be done slowly so a Sudden PH swing doesnt occur and allow the new water to mix with the existing water"
Thats why aerating new salt water for 24hrs is recomended, so that water reaches ph,temp,salinity,equillibrum,o2 balance,co2 balance... ect.. as closest to DT levels ..... Otherwise the aerating process goes out the window..
I know u asked for a 90 second video, which i was unable to adquire.. But check this dude out! ( i know u guys hate it when i try to educate via youtube)..Lol, but it takes this guy less than 5 mins to do a water change in a 90g.. No rush at all ..