Active Member
My star polyp stick on the rock pretty quick I just lay them on top and within a day or so they start sticking on as long as you place them away from the flow they will stick. For the shrooms I have recently frag them myself they are doing great they are pretty easy to frag, but I haven't got them on to any rocks yet so probably might have to use the glue method.
Originally Posted by tthemadd1
So I just cut up a star polyp colony. I shoved toothpicks thru them and wedged between rocks. I noticed that it takes a lont time for them to attach to rock therefore using this method. Has anyone tried another method for attaching these?
Originally Posted by tthemadd1
So I just cut up a star polyp colony. I shoved toothpicks thru them and wedged between rocks. I noticed that it takes a lont time for them to attach to rock therefore using this method. Has anyone tried another method for attaching these?