How to frag a shroom/and keep it.


Active Member
not sure what you mean but it short is you cut off a piece of shroom a good enough size almost any part of it can and will grow into another shroom. it is best to try and get a piece of the mouth but it is not always needed

cda fish

I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the thread your information was great. I have one purple mushroom in my tank and have been watching it for 5 months to see if it would multiply but it hasnt just bigger round now with my new info :cheer: I hope to have more..again thanks everybody this site and members are awesome :joy:


you have a link to where you buy your glue, I bought a green stick with a grey filling, that you have to rub together until it turns white, but i found it to not work good. thanks and great step by step.


How long should you wait to do it again? If you cut one in half and make 2 when can you cut them to make 4 ,8, ect...

cda fish

ok I thought I would share my laugh of the day..well since reading all of the above steps on fragging I decided I could do this simple I gathered up some frags of lr and placed them in the corner of my tank so when I was ready they would be quick to find.. so this morning I turn on the lights and guess who's wearing my rocks..silly urchin (ya I know not everybody loves them) guess he must of thought wow score.. guess I'll keep looking for more rocks..


Active Member
Originally Posted by cda fish
ok I thought I would share my laugh of the day..well since reading all of the above steps on fragging I decided I could do this simple I gathered up some frags of lr and placed them in the corner of my tank so when I was ready they would be quick to find.. so this morning I turn on the lights and guess who's wearing my rocks..silly urchin (ya I know not everybody loves them) guess he must of thought wow score.. guess I'll keep looking for more rocks..

more then once i have filled the cup with what i thoguht was rubble just to notice one of the rocks moving and realizing i tossed in a hermit. BTw your shrooms will neevr attach if the hermit is in the moving things around lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aceroc
How long should you wait to do it again? If you cut one in half and make 2 when can you cut them to make 4 ,8, ect...

I always cut into 4. then after they heal and are round again wait untill they arounda round 1-2 inches and cut again.


Active Member
haha well since i said it i guess i better do it huh
lol its that or have your stalking me haha jk


Ok so, this is easier said than done! I tried cutting off a few mushrooms today from the main mushroom patch (you know.. like a pumpkin patch.. ha ha) but I don't think I did too well. I'm not fragging them per say (cutting in half) just trying to get them under control, they are totally overcrowding some pretty baby zoos on the same rock. Well, I ended up cutting some of them off and some look like they have a hole in the middle now.
Will they survive like that?
Am I missing an easy method.. or being dumb here? I thought it was said that it was easiet to cut them while they are fully extended. However.. I also realized they don't like being cut into.. so they don't stay fully extended for very long
Hopefully this gets easier as I go..


Active Member
ok, I heard of someone doing this, but I will ask here also. Could you like put a shroom in a blender, and umm...*blend* it, and poor the goo on a surface, and the goo will form lots of shroom's?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aelene
Ok so, this is easier said than done! I tried cutting off a few mushrooms today from the main mushroom patch (you know.. like a pumpkin patch.. ha ha) but I don't think I did too well. I'm not fragging them per say (cutting in half) just trying to get them under control, they are totally overcrowding some pretty baby zoos on the same rock. Well, I ended up cutting some of them off and some look like they have a hole in the middle now.
Will they survive like that?
Am I missing an easy method.. or being dumb here? I thought it was said that it was easiet to cut them while they are fully extended. However.. I also realized they don't like being cut into.. so they don't stay fully extended for very long
Hopefully this gets easier as I go..

You will be alright. The base will grow out and the caps will grow bases. They take a lick'in and keep on tick'in ----IMO. Not sure by your post if your trying to thin them because of the zoos or propagate them. If your trying to thin, hate to tell you the bases will grow back.
Originally Posted by Aelene

"However.. I also realized they don't like being cut into.. so they don't stay fully extended for very long " ..
That's been my experience too. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
ok, I heard of someone doing this, but I will ask here also. Could you like put a shroom in a blender, and umm...*blend* it, and poor the goo on a surface, and the goo will form lots of shroom's?

yepo i did this twice. HOWEVER. i ended up with 3 good shrooms the first time and none the second and was a mess. 100% not the best way to do things thats for sure. i used a coffee bean grinder and pulsed it one time. rinsed the pieces and poored it into the cup method you see above. cutting works alot better and wont piss off your wife for using her kitchen appliances. lol


Originally Posted by oceana
Step 2. Cutting
Now that we have gotten everything ready we are ready to cut.
Begin by taking the shroom that you have chosen to frag and place it bottom down on the clean plate. It is very important that the plate is free from detergents and soaps. Make sure it’s very well rinsed off.
Take your razor and make a cut right across the middle of the shroom. Make sure you razor is clean and fresh. You want to cut the shroom not tear it. In this example I cut my shroom into 3. For your first frag IMO you should start by simply cutting the shroom in half. I find that it does not always mater but I always try to get some of the mouth on both halves. After you have made your cuts. Take your rubble cup and drop the cutting in. try to make sure the cutting are in the cup face up... your shroom is now fraged... in the picks you will also see a blue shrom that i tossed inas well. it had been on a rock and i wanted to move it so i pulled it from the large rock and put it in here so it will attach to a more moveable small piece of rock. Now its time to secure your frags so they don’t end up all over your tank

y do u want to cut your shroom in half of three for?
what is the purpose of it?