How to grow coralline algae

bang guy

I have not seen this correlation in my experience. That doesn't mean it's not true, I just haven't noticed. I do notice that reefs with very intense lighting have lighter colored coralline and moderately lit tanks have darker, more obvious, coralline.


Active Member
A good method for spreading coraline is to take a rock that has some, and scrap it with a razorblade in front of a powerhead.


Active Member
Just reading the latest posts brings to mind that if we want to see more clearly, we need to keep a log of are tests and make notes. We then can go back and look at things over time and see the correlations so we can notice how the things we do effect the system.


I'm using the Red Sea one, i got it with a bunch of other kits for cheap. It's the only one Ive ever used so I don't know how accurate it is, but it tested right about where I thought my mag would be.