Most likely, I'll vote for any Republican EXCEPT for John McCain. Hillary being the only option, I don't like. honestly, the Democrat that is CLOSEST (not saying "close", just saying "closest") to the moderate middle is Obama. I am convinced that Hillary is a socialist and I would not vote for her if I lived to be a million years old.
as far as Ralph Nader, he'll never be president, everybody knows that. but he IS one of the greatest Americans alive because he recognizes that the 2 party system is outdated and that the elections should not be bought and paid for by big businesses. I wouldn't classify him as a "conservative", but I wouldn't classify him as a "liberal" either. I classify him as a great American that would come closer to representing the average citizen more than any other.
as for the "if you don't vote, you have no right to complain", that is marlarky. it doesn't matter which Republican or Democrat wins, they will still be elected by special interests. like Bill Hicks once said, "I prefer the puppet on the right. No, I prefer the puppet on the left. Hey wait! both puppets are being controlled by the same hand!!!". that's sad, but it's the truth. if the election were to come down to Hillary (or Edwards) vs McCain, I WILL stay home and I WILL continue to complain.