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Your first mistake was not calling the police when she vandalized your property. I'd put up another whistle just out of reach of her rake.
Your city will certainly have a barking dog ordinance. You tried to do the right thing and she went bichzilla on you, turn in the dog for barking.
I've had the harming the dog conversation with animal control in the past. The guy told me if it was a dog they knew to be agressive there would be no questions asked as long as it wasn't obvious that excessive force wqas used, as in sending it back to here in pieces (although I love the fact you told her that)
In that case the dog was repeatedly jumping a few fences to get into my mom's yard. The people who owned the dog had a friend at animal control that would tip them off every time we would call and they would beat animal control there to get their dog back. I finally told animal control to tell the people I would use a shovel to shoo him back next time. He said he would tell them but in this case they were familiar with the dog and knew it wasn't agressive so if I did nail the dog I had better have a bite or something to show I was in danger.
I have a freind who is a policemen. When it happened, I mentioned it to him. He told me unless you have physical proof she broke it, there's nothing the cops could do. I paid less than $40 for the thing, and it would cost me more than that to take her to small claims.
Our city has tightened the dog annoyance and agressive laws here. We've had at least 10 dog attacks (mostly pit bull-type dogs) in the last year. Two of them were fatalities with children. Because of that, a 'no tolerance' law has gone into effect. She must be reading the stories in the paper, because the last few days when I walk into my backyard and hear the dog start barking, I hear her open her sliding back door and take the dog inside. If I call in a noise complaint, someone in the city will peridoically come by and verify if in fact the dog is barking. If so, she gets an automatic $50 fine. More than three calls, the animal gets removed from the premises.