Hows This For My 125?!


Active Member
Is this going to be a reef tank? If so, the only butterfly you could do would be the copperbanded and even him you have to monitor at first. All of those fish though besides the other butterflies you listed, could do very well in a reef setup!


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
why do you prefer the copperband (specific as possible reasons)
I personally prefer them because I love their personalities. They are always swimming in front of the glass always wanting to be fed. (once you get them to feed, make sure they are feeding when you buy) They are also the prettiest of the butterflies in my opinion. They also add very diverse shape to your aquarium. Those are just a few reasons, I could go on and on.


Active Member
The red sea butterfly that you have listed normally run about 150 bucks for a small one. They are also not reef safe...


Active Member
im not doing reef...ya thats to bad.. (they serll the red sea here for 80)
the copperband on here for 24
and the threadfin for 22


Active Member
Why not? Just gonna do a FOWLR then?!?! I used to have one...I loved it-but I love my reef more. Not that mine is a full reef right now, I only have a few corals, but it will be soon!!!!


Active Member
i was thinking about doing a 90 reef or a 125 fowlr but i wanna do the 125 cuz then i can get an angel!


Active Member
ya those fish are awesome.. i love the coloring of the juvenille and when it starts to change
and the adult color is prety cool ttoo


Active Member
You can keep emperors with mushrooms, leathers, and SPS corals in my brother in law's experience. He is an angel freak. There isn't a single BIG angel he hasn't had, been in the hobby for almost 20 years!!!! He has had several emperors too, and had the same results. Majestics can be kept in most reef tanks in his experience.


Active Member
what size tank does he have?? that must be pretty cool to have some one else in the family that has the same hoby.. is he a member on here??


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
what size tank does he have?? that must be pretty cool to have some one else in the family that has the same hoby.. is he a member on here??



Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
what size tank does he have?? that must be pretty cool to have some one else in the family that has the same hoby.. is he a member on here??
no he's not-he doesn't have internet. He has a 300 gallon...and a 90 gallon..


Active Member
IMO, drop the emperor and the butterflies. They don't fare well long term and are disease prone. I have a majestic angel in my tank for around 3 years now and it's doing great so far. You might want to consider it. I have a revised list of your original choices.
1 magestic angel
1 hippo tang
1 maroon gold stripe
1 snow flake eel
1 spotfin or zebra lion
1 valentiini puffer
and if you must add another tang, either a kole's tang(yellow eye tang) or yellow tang might work for you.
Just my opinion.


Active Member
Whatever you decide to get is up to you, please remember that what works for some may not work for others as we are all learning from each other and these are all our opinions only! No one can say for sure what will or will not work. The final decision is yours to make and be responsible for.