Hows This For My 125?!


Thats what I'd do, but still I think I'd only get one of those may be pushing your bio load with two... Also, I wouldnt get the convict with the heniochus. They are very similar color wise and may fight...


Active Member
ok well bad news... my mom found out how big a 125 is........ so i gotta go down to like the 75-90 what would work


Well, a 75 is basically a 90 only a few inches whatever you want. EITHER WAY you're still gonna have to slice up your fish list...


Active Member
what do u think i should do??:
2 of some kind of clown
yellow or convict tang
idk... what other fish???
o and d-dog!! i got 2 percs


Originally Posted by treybomb
what do u think i should do??:
2 of some kind of clown
yellow or convict tang
idk... what other fish???
o and d-dog!! i got 2 percs
YAY! Are they true or false percs??? Either way-AWESOME! Also, if you get a really depends if you do a sump or not. I am setting up a 90 (more info in my future 150 gallon thread) but really my tank is 145 gallons! So I am stocking somewhat heavy. Without a sump in a 90 gallon I'd say you could do the SFE, your two clowns, your butterfly, some tang, maybe a dwarf angel of some sort, and a dwarf lion? I think that would make a HHHOOTTTTT tank!


1 convict tang
1 other type of tang.. suggestions?
2 maroon gold stripe
1 snow flake eel
1 volitan lion
emperor angel
valentine puffer
2 threadfin or heniochus butterflies
Ok in a 90 gallon I'd definitely dump the eel and I'm guessing the two percs you got are replacing the maroon gold stripes? I don't have time to look up the compatibility of these guys but barring any fighting between them I'd say this is do-able. The bioload is a little iffy for me but then I tend to be more cautious with that than some. I'll go with what you've got here is probably ok but I definitely wouldn't get more than that. If you could get a good sized sump/refugium it would help out with the bioload and move it more out of the iffy zone towards safer.


I would have to disagree, percula clowns DO get quite large-mine are 4 inches long and are FAST-too fast for just about anything to catch. Yes, a sump/refugium would help out with his bio-load, and YES it is a BIT heavy, but he can do it easily with bi-weekly water changes!


Not sure what you're disagreeing with, D-Dog, but I agree with you. It's maybe a bit heavy but probably still do-able if he watches his levels and such!


Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Not sure what you're disagreeing with, D-Dog, but I agree with you. It's maybe a bit heavy but probably still do-able if he watches his levels and such!
Oh, well I got the impression that you didnt like how he was going to do his stocking of the tank. But, now that we agree- :cheer:
:happyfish :jumping:


Thanks!! Can you maybe come up with a good one using the one I gave you? I kept saying some kind or dwarf angel, or some kind of tang. Do you know what some kind is?


Originally Posted by treybomb
ill think about it.... i got lots of hw!!!!!!!!
yeah, I g2g-I have a monologue to memorize, an orchestra fundraiser to do, a biography to read....


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
YAY! Are they true or false percs??? Either way-AWESOME! Also, if you get a really depends if you do a sump or not. I am setting up a 90 (more info in my future 150 gallon thread) but really my tank is 145 gallons! So I am stocking somewhat heavy. Without a sump in a 90 gallon I'd say you could do the SFE, your two clowns, your butterfly, some tang, maybe a dwarf angel of some sort, and a dwarf lion? I think that would make a HHHOOTTTTT tank!
okay how about
2 black percs.. will the sfe bother them??
2 heniochus or threadfins
1 yellow or convict tang
1 flame or bicolor angel
1bumble bee lion
^^ i want to do black sand with that.. what do u guys think about it?


Originally Posted by treybomb
okay how about
2 black percs.. will the sfe bother them??
2 heniochus or threadfins
1 yellow or convict tang
1 flame or bicolor angel
1bumble bee lion
^^ i want to do black sand with that.. what do u guys think about it?
In a 90...yes this would work. What is a "bumble bee lion?" Do you have the latin name? I would do the sfe (super tiny so it cant get the clowns) 2 heniochus, the two black percs (as large as you can get them, to reduce the risk of the eel getting 'em) the yellow tang, the flame angel, and then the lion. Glad you liked the sand I showed ya!


Active Member
it's the pic of the lion that had controversy around it in the photo contest.. someone stole it... ill try to post a pic!


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
it's the pic of the lion that had controversy around it in the photo contest.. someone stole it... ill try to post a pic!
do u know which one im talking about? :notsure: