hypo journal



hi all!
as you guys know, i've been battling ich for 2 weeks, i guess? tried stop parasite, but didn't work. so, i'm on the basics now. i hope you could all find time to see my progress and bang me on the head if i'm doing wrong!
as i understand, we can't really say day1 until the first sign of ich is gone, am i right? so, i'll just say:
prelim --> today is the first day of the 48 hr to bring the salinity level to .009. i did 15g water change on my 72g, and when done, had my spgh level to .014. checked my ph, it is expected to drop, right? but mine didn't. actually, my number says 8.4. (shld i be alarmed? :thinking: ) tomorrow, i'm going to do 10 g and hopefully that could bring it down to .009. fishes are still doing ok. fed them this am with flakes and spirulina soaked in garlic. fed my puffer 3 krills... ( wherein the 4th one, he just crushed and gave to the rest of the guys...) though, ich has been spread to my heni, pakistan, a little on my kole, a little on the singapore angel, and the worst of them is my hippo.
crossing my fingers.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hi all!
as you guys know, i've been battling ich for 2 weeks, i guess? tried stop parasite, but didn't work. so, i'm on the basics now. i hope you could all find time to see my progress and bang me on the head if i'm doing wrong!
as i understand, we can't really say day1 until the first sign of ich is gone, am i right? so, i'll just say:
prelim --> today is the first day of the 48 hr to bring the salinity level to .009. i did 15g water change on my 72g, and when done, had my spgh level to .014. checked my ph, it is expected to drop, right? but mine didn't. actually, my number says 8.4. (shld i be alarmed? :thinking: ) tomorrow, i'm going to do 10 g and hopefully that could bring it down to .009. fishes are still doing ok. fed them this am with flakes and spirulina soaked in garlic. fed my puffer 3 krills... ( wherein the 4th one, he just crushed and gave to the rest of the guys...) though, ich has been spread to my heni, pakistan, a little on my kole, a little on the singapore angel, and the worst of them is my hippo.
crossing my fingers.
Keep the stop parasites on hand. In about 2 days the ich will be all over the weakest fish and up (immune health wise) I am in my last week of hypo. My heni died about a week after I started hypo. The ich starts to panic when they can't breed and they all jump on any host they can. I started stop parasites too late. My heni was covered. He held on for a few days, but it was so sad! He had it worse than I have ever seen any fish have it. He was in with hearty fish (damsels, clown, firefish) If you use the stop parasites right away it will help keep the ich off of your fish. I see you have a tang, he will most likely be under attack in a day or two as they are prone to ich anyway. I wish you the best of luck and hope all of your fish survive the raid of ich that is on it's way!


sheez.... u know that i literally have goosebumps while reading ur post. i dont want any of them to die!!!

keep stop parasite in handy? but i have used them already. 3 days ago is my 5th day. worked on all my other fishes except on my hippo. shld i continue using it while doing hypo? another thing, i turned off my skimmer. is that a great idea? the worst of them is the hippo.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
sheez.... u know that i literally have goosebumps while reading ur post. i dont want any of them to die!!!

keep stop parasite in handy? but i have used them already. 3 days ago is my 5th day. worked on all my other fishes except on my hippo. shld i continue using it while doing hypo? another thing, i turned off my skimmer. is that a great idea? the worst of them is the hippo.
I have my skimmer on, but it is just blowing oxygen, no foam will be created in lower salinity. Yes, keep using the stop parasites. Your hippo is going to get the ich invade the hardest. Also you should know that Stop parasites doesn't kill ich, it knocks it off of them. That is what you want right now. You should also load their food with fresh garlic and vitamines to keep their immune system as high as possible.


Actually (sorry) while using the stop parasites turn your skimmer off. It will skim out the med. Once the initial invasion is over then you can turn your skimmer back on.


ok.. i'll put my skimmer back. and buy stop parasite tomorrow. i have vitachem, too. the question though is that i don't feed them everyday. i'm trying to keep my ammo down... fyi though, i lost my bicolor angel from stop parasite.. am i going to lose another fish?


Originally Posted by lpuzon
ok.. i'll put my skimmer back. and buy stop parasite tomorrow. i have vitachem, too. the question though is that i don't feed them everyday. i'm trying to keep my ammo down... fyi though, i lost my bicolor angel from stop parasite.. am i going to lose another fish?
Stop parasites doesn't kill fish. You may have lost your fish to ich. What happened to the bicolor? symptoms?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Stop parasites doesn't kill fish. You may have lost your fish to ich. What happened to the bicolor? symptoms?

i dont really know. all i know is on the 3 dose or 4th dose of stop parasite, he stopped eating, wasting away and such. he actually didn't have ich. maybe one, but were gone on the 2nd dose of SP. on the last day of medication, she died.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i dont really know. all i know is on the 3 dose or 4th dose of stop parasite, he stopped eating, wasting away and such. he actually didn't have ich. maybe one, but were gone on the 2nd dose of SP. on the last day of medication, she died.

Was your water quality good? was he eating well prior to the med? Stop parasites is all natural. There was probably another reason he died. Was he the carrier of ich by chance? BTW do you have a qt? you can avoid all of this mess by QTing your fish for 3-4 weeks before putting them in the display. Please don't take this as rude. Just some info that we all had to learn the hard way. It is much cheaper and a whole lot easier.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Was your water quality good? was he eating well prior to the med? Stop parasites is all natural. There was probably another reason he died. Was he the carrier of ich by chance? BTW do you have a qt? you can avoid all of this mess by QTing your fish for 3-4 weeks before putting them in the display. Please don't take this as rude. Just some info that we all had to learn the hard way. It is much cheaper and a whole lot easier.
she still is eating good the day she died. though, i got my ammo and trites on a .50 high. carrier of ich? not that i know of. he actually wasn't infested much by ich.
about QT, i actually bought one from petsmart already. it's a 10g kit with heater and all. i just can't set it up bec i don't have any space to put it. the lady in this house would practically kill me if i would set-up another one. that really poses a problem for me....


22hrs--> i did water change this afternoon, 15g. and was able to put my spgh level to .012. water parameters after WC:
trites .50
ammo .50
trates 20
ph 8.2
temp 80
i fed them flakes and spirulina soaked with vitachem today. men! they ate like they didn't eat yesterday! if i would scale it 1-10, they would probably get 13points! i am so relived to see that my hippo, who is the most infested of them all, ate like 2 pigs combined. my puffer ate 4 krills, soaked of course. after 10 mins, i drop 7 1/2 c (of the bottle) of SP in the tank.
checked my spgh again, .012.
i'm going to do a 10g WC tonight again. hopefully this would go down to .009.
questions pls:
1. what do i feed my LR that's in my rubbermaid right now? i put a rio200 powerhead with it too. should i need to put light on it? doesn't it need light to survive?
2. i haven't put my skimmer back on yet. i understand, sepulatian told me i can keep it on, but i am wondering, won't it skim the SP too?
keeping my fingers crossed.....


Originally Posted by lpuzon
22hrs--> i did water change this afternoon, 15g. and was able to put my spgh level to .012. water parameters after WC:
trites .50
ammo .50
trates 20
ph 8.2
temp 80
i fed them flakes and spirulina soaked with vitachem today. men! they ate like they didn't eat yesterday! if i would scale it 1-10, they would probably get 13points! i am so relived to see that my hippo, who is the most infested of them all, ate like 2 pigs combined. my puffer ate 4 krills, soaked of course. after 10 mins, i drop 7 1/2 c (of the bottle) of SP in the tank.
checked my spgh again, .012.
i'm going to do a 10g WC tonight again. hopefully this would go down to .009.
questions pls:
1. what do i feed my LR that's in my rubbermaid right now? i put a rio200 powerhead with it too. should i need to put light on it? doesn't it need light to survive?
2. i haven't put my skimmer back on yet. i understand, sepulatian told me i can keep it on, but i am wondering, won't it skim the SP too?
keeping my fingers crossed.....
I'm glad to hear your fish are doing well. As for feeding what's on your rock, you can add very little of whatever you normaly feed once every 3 days or so. You don't want to add too much and get an ammonia spike. Thats the method I have been using for my inverts.
About the skimmer. Leave it off while you are using the stop parasites. Yes it will skim it out. When you are done treating you can turn it back on. For the first day or so it is going to foam like crazy while it gets the med out. So keep checking your collection cup. If you have to leave for hours at a time just turn the skimmer off when you leave and turn it back on when you are there to keep an eye on it. Good luck to you!!


thanks! i going to do WC tonight. another 10g. let's see if it would take it down to .009 this time...


1 day 6hrs --> wasn't able to do my WC... i'll do that first thing in the morning. i put SP the 2nd time. fed my puffer..(coz he's chasing the other fishes..) they still have ich on their bodies. :mad: i noticed something on my kole though. on her body, just right below his right fin, there are 3 or 4 small circles. kinda look like a wound to me. no scratches. i thought the puffer might have hit on her, but i reckon, there shld be on the oher side too. my singapore angel, keeps on staying on the top, right side of the tank, where the filter is.
hope she's not trying to tell me that she's not gonna make it....
though, she still does swim with the other ones at the bottom. ph still 8.2 and spgh .012.


41 hrs -->
just did a 10g WC. spgh went down to .010. probably 5 to 7g would make it then to .009. fed them a cube of mysis shrimp, and so GLAD that all of them are still eating good! my angel came back to life!!! :cheer: she's not staying near the filter anymore. she doesn't have ich on her body anymore. the circle things on my kole has gone, well, there's one left (they used to be 4 last night). my hippo, i think, is losing some of the ich already! :jumping: they though are leaving a mark on her... haven't taken water parameters. will do so in an hour or so. but ph is still 8.2.
btw, i'm only using ro water.
keeping u all posted! (and keeping my fingers crossed)


oh yeah, and stop parasite's starting to work! thanks sepulatian!!!



Originally Posted by lpuzon
oh yeah, and stop parasite's starting to work! thanks sepulatian!!!

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well, keep us posted!


nearly 3 days --> i am on my 2nd day of using stop parasite. i thought at first that cih is finally falling off my fishes. but i noticed today, my hippo got this one big ich on her right side. still got a few speck on her body. i also notice on my other fishes, sometimes they have the ich, and sometimes they don't have it anymore. (or am i just fooling myself?)


Originally Posted by lpuzon
nearly 3 days --> i am on my 2nd day of using stop parasite. i thought at first that cih is finally falling off my fishes. but i noticed today, my hippo got this one big ich on her right side. still got a few speck on her body. i also notice on my other fishes, sometimes they have the ich, and sometimes they don't have it anymore. (or am i just fooling myself?)
Nope you are not fooling yourself, thats what will happen for the first few days. Sounds completely normal