hypo journal



Originally Posted by sepulatian
why pay them, as Lion_crazz said earlier, it is the crushed coral that is causing the high nitrates. All of those little nooks and crannies hold the good biological filtration when you first start out, but what is the final stage of biological filtration??? NITRATES!!!! Start scooping out the cc, and you can add LS after you are done with hypo, or if you want regular sand then you can add it after the cc is out. It is in so many outdated books to use cc as substrate. It is realy good at first because all of the beneficial bacteria colonizes nicely in there, but in 6 months to a year you are left with uncontrolable nitrates. Something to think about.
yeah, i have started tha tone out too. i actually scooped a netful yesterday... lion said to do it over the course of a month or 2. hope to get over this hypo soon. it's really draggin me.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
yeah, i have started tha tone out too. i actually scooped a netful yesterday... lion said to do it over the course of a month or 2. hope to get over this hypo soon. it's really draggin me.
Well now that you have a proper refractometer the ich should start dropping off very soon, hang in ther liz!!!! The cc situation I would take care of sooner rather than later. Lion_crazz said a month? Well we all trust his judgement! That was probably so to not disturb the HUGE amounts of trates that are just waiting to be stirred up. Before each of your water changes take some out. Right before each one. And do more than a scoop. You are in a touchy situation. If there were no fish in there you could pull it all out and do a 90% change and be done with it, but you don't want to sacrifice your fish to make the tank better.


hi guys! just letting you know, that i already did WC yesterday, 15g. haven't taken the trates test yet, i will tomorrow though.
so far, all the fishes are still in there, still fighting.
hi lion! i'm on the process of taking the CCs out. also, i'm buying a 30g tank. can i use that as QT for all my fishes?


Active Member
Glad everything is still going well.
The 30 will be a great QT.
Remember, don't rush on the CC. Just take out bits with each water change.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Glad everything is still going well.
The 30 will be a great QT.
Remember, don't rush on the CC. Just take out bits with each water change.
hmm...didn't thought u're still awake. i'm dead beat!
they're ok, though, they still have it. when shld i set up the QT>? i mean, we're still trying to see if the uv and the refracto would work right?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, the fish are in hyposalinity, now, right?
yeah for the longest time


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Okay, that's what I thought.
How are the fish looking? Are there are a lot of spots?

well, my hippo does. still all over....5 on the kole, by the right fin. one on the damsel, none on the angel. and 4 on the puffer.oh, there's something happening on the clown, just dont know what.. but she still gets the food first. always. well, probably, ich too.


took a trate test today, it's 40 - 80. i'll do another WC tomorrow. 20g this time.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Okay, keep me posted with everything.
Yes Liz, we seem to both be looking closely at your posts. Let us know how things are going


hello there, guys! here's my latest update:
at 10 tonight, i took my water parameters:
ammo 0
trite 0
trates 20-40 :joy:
ph 8.2
spgh .009
temp 80
everybody's looking good. still got their appetite going...the hippo still got ich all over, although. i notice them getting smaller, and there's actually part on her body the got smoothen out already. so, i think that's good news!!! :cheer: still some specks on the kole, 3 on the puffer, and the rest are clear from ich.
i think now, everything's working.it's 2wks, closing in to 3 wks with the uv on. (w/c is now btw is on 24/7). i hope i am now close to bringing back my spgh level to normal. (can't wait to put cleaner shrimps in my tank!
fyi, i already mentioned that i am buying used 30g tank... since i intend to stick with the fished that i have right now, and not to add anymore for like a while, i thought of making the 30g a reef tank. i'll give u guys full detail on it, and of course, suggestions are welcome!!!
lion, after i have scooped all the CCs, how soon should i put in the LS>? and should i do it gradually? plus, won't it go over recycling again?>
liz :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
I would not put the live sand in until the hypo is totally done. That way, your fish are not stressing. Even then, I would do that very slowly in order to prevent a mini-cycle.
How is everything coming along?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I would not put the live sand in until the hypo is totally done. That way, your fish are not stressing. Even then, I would do that very slowly in order to prevent a mini-cycle.
How is everything coming along?
hiya! yeah, that's what i'm scared about, mini-cycle. but though, lino, when would i stop my hypo? i mean, it looks like the hippo is not gonna get rid of the ich at all!
i'm gonna do 20g WC tonight too. so, i'll come back later! thanks!


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hiya! yeah, that's what i'm scared about, mini-cycle. but though, lino, when would i stop my hypo? i mean, it looks like the hippo is not gonna get rid of the ich at all!
i'm gonna do 20g WC tonight too. so, i'll come back later! thanks!

Hey Liz, I am so glad to hear that everything is FINALLY going well! I felt SO bad that you were having trouble with hypo. But as Lion_crazz stated earlier, the trouble was with an inacurate refractometer. His knowledge is invaluable!!! Once every spot of ich has dropped off you leave them in hypo for three more weeks. That is enough time to ensure the ich is completely extinct from your system. I saw earlier that you just got a 30 gal. Do you have a qt yet? If not I STRONGLY suggest you start cycling it for the qt, if you already have one to qt all new arivals then, yeah, that would work for a mini-reef!!!! Keep us posted.............I am so happy for you and your fish!!! :joy: