hypo journal


Active Member
It could be very possible that the puffer did it. The long fins of the butterfly are very tempting to nipping fish like puffers and triggers.
At the same time though, the ammonia and nitrite could have definitely killed the fish as well, as these levels are toxic.
I am very sorry to hear about your loss.


do u think it would be best if i return the puffer back to the lfs and get something else instead? i don't want to wake up one day without no fish at all? or if i would get a bigger fish, would he eat it still?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well what kind of tank are you trying to keep? Peaceful reef? What size tank do you have?

i have a 72g bow. its a FOWLR set up. the fishes that i have left right now are the hippo tang, kole, 3 damsels, the puffer, the pakistan and the singapore angel. doesn't hve any corals or any kind...


I'm doing the hypo now and the specific gravity is 1.018 and going down every day.
All perimeters are good except trates. Nitrates are at 20. Are they going to rise, as the salt gets lower? And keep changing about 4 gallons of water a day.


Originally Posted by dadszx7
I'm doing the hypo now and the specific gravity is 1.018 and going down every day.
All perimeters are good except trates. Nitrates are at 20. Are they going to rise, as the salt gets lower? And keep changing about 4 gallons of water a day.
how many gallon tank do u have? u know that you have to bring your spgh level to .009 in 48 hours right? so the bigger your tank, the bigger your WC is gonna be!


6th day --> i'm closing in on the last day of dosing the tank with SP. my filter overflowed 3x this am. and i tell you, it's very frustrating! however, i am able to manage of course. now that it's almost time to turn on the moonlight, i am scared that one of my fishes would be gone. i dont wanna lose any of the guys anymore, and it really looks like sumthing's missing without my heni!
tonight, i dont wanna say all my fishes are ok, coz somebody might be gone tomorrow, who knows?
spgh still the same. added buffer this pm.(after dosing). didn't checked other parameters, probably tomorrow. a few visible specks of ich, still. 60% development on my hippo tang, too. my angel looks fine. my pakistan's pale. my kole's ok too, same with the damsels.


in memoriam. i have never felt this empty whenever i look at my tank. she's the closest, always showing off, and always wanting me to touch her...



I thought that you bring it down to .009 in the matter of two weeks. Keep it at .009 for 2 weeks, then back to normal in a 2 week time frame. Normal being 1.022 For a total of 6 weeks. The problem tank is 55 gallon. But still don't know about the trates at 20


Originally Posted by dadszx7
I thought that you bring it down to .009 in the matter of two weeks. Keep it at .009 for 2 weeks, then back to normal in a 2 week time frame. Normal being 1.022 For a total of 6 weeks. The problem tank is 55 gallon. But still don't know about the trates at 20

oh no! :scared: :scared: search in at the FAQ.
u're doing it wrong! bring down ur spgh level to .009 within 48 hours. start counting your 3 weeks ONLY on the first day you see all your fishes WITHOUT ich. if you still see ich on your fishes, DONT start counting yet!!! After that, this is the time to bring back your spgh to normal, gradually, in 2 weeks.
as for the trates, i believe this is normal. not all of us got trates at 0.i have my trates at 0 too! just not for trites.


believe it or not, i still haven't started my 3 weeks counting because i still have ich on my fishes!!!


nearing the end of 6th day --> today is the last day of the SP. however though, i'm still seeing ich on the fishes. should i still continue using stop parasite? or just wait till they fall off? i am thinking of doing WC tomorrow. but could this affect the dosage (SP) that i put in the tank?


thanks, as I'm in the same boat as you. Although don't have any ick right now. And haven't for about 2 weeks, just any new fish added gets it and dies. That's why I'm doing it, and will be setting up a q/t very shortly.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
oh no! :scared: :scared: search in at the FAQ.
u're doing it wrong! bring down ur spgh level to .009 within 48 hours. start counting your 3 weeks ONLY on the first day you see all your fishes WITHOUT ich. if you still see ich on your fishes, DONT start counting yet!!! After that, this is the time to bring back your spgh to normal, gradually, in 2 weeks.
as for the trates, i believe this is normal. not all of us got trates at 0.i have my trates at 0 too! just not for trites.
Very much correct
Ipuzon, I am sorry to hear you lost your Heni. You are doing everything right. Are you seeing alot of ich still or just a few spots? If they are still attacking, what I mean by that is the fish are loaded one day, then not so much the next then again the next day, then I would keep using the SP. If it is only a few spots then you can stop using it.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
nearing the end of 6th day --> today is the last day of the SP. however though, i'm still seeing ich on the fishes. should i still continue using stop parasite? or just wait till they fall off? i am thinking of doing WC tomorrow. but could this affect the dosage (SP) that i put in the tank?
You can still do your water change if you need to. Wory about water quality before worying about removing a little of the med. The quality is much more important.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Very much correct
Ipuzon, I am sorry to hear you lost your Heni. You are doing everything right. Are you seeing alot of ich still or just a few spots? If they are still attacking, what I mean by that is the fish are loaded one day, then not so much the next then again the next day, then I would keep using the SP. If it is only a few spots then you can stop using it.

thanks Sepulatian!
yeah, i'm still grieving from my heni, since she's so touchy with me. my aquarium actually looked bare for me right now. it feels so incomplete...
ok, about the ich, my hippo is not that much infested, although, she still got them, probably like 10-15 crystallines. nothing on the rest of them, a few on the puffer, but not really. i thnk what i would do is keep dosing them until my bottle runs out right? but what would i do if they would reattach? i mean, i'm still doing hypo.... and haven't even started counting yet too.
i also have concern about WC. when should i do it? how many days after the SP? if i'm going to use all the SP, then probably i'm looking for 2 more days. so, after those days, when can i do WC?
another thing, i have the orbit fixture coming. would you guys advice me to put it on while doing hypo?
thanks so much! couldnt have done this without u!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You can still do your water change if you need to. Wory about water quality before worying about removing a little of the med. The quality is much more important.
ok, got it! thanks!


9pm day 6 --> ok. gone home from school, i looked at all my fishes and jeez....i'm so happy!!! :jumping: all the fishes have cleared, no ICH! EXCEPT of course, my hippo, BUT it's a LOT of difference now! probably she got like FIVE , as in 5 ich, at the near end of her tail. although, the traces of ich is still visible. i'm still going the way i planned, as i mentioned earlier when i was still at school, that i'll just finish up the SP bottle. tehn probably, hopefully, i could start counting the 3 wks.
so, what about the lights? is it ok to put in the new orbit fixture that i bought?


7th day --> check water parameters today.
spgh .009
ammo 0
trites .5
trates 40 - 80 :scared:
temp 80
ph 8.2
i'm glad my ammo finally went down to 0. but my big problem now is the nitrates. i'm gonna do 5g WC tonight, and see what happens.
still not counting 3 weeks, there's still ich on the hippo tang. my clownfish, however, got torn fins. the "end fins" is torned at least half way. will it fix by itself? or probably regrow? :thinking: :thinking: