hypo journal



is it still normal that there's a lot of big ones on the hippo? they grew up so big in just a couple of hours!!!


Originally Posted by dadszx7
what is stop parasite? My lfs didn't know what I was talking about??? Is it someting like rid ick?
it's Chem Marin's Stop Parasite. it is used to get rid of ick (but not kill them , fyi) when ur fishes are infested by it. it is pepper-based and will make your fishes to produce more slime, which makes the ich to fall off their body. this is not copper-based, so it's reef safe.


Originally Posted by dadszx7
Where do you get it? Online or what store, I'm in California(Gilroy, 2 hours south of San Francisco.
This site sells it I believe.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
is it still normal that there's a lot of big ones on the hippo? they grew up so big in just a couple of hours!!!
I doubt they are actually growing, Maybe there are a few in the same spot?


hmm... i dont really know. right now, whole 24 hrs after seeing a lot of big ones on my hippo, i don't see them anymore. although, she still have some. as i've said, some days they do have them, and some day, they don't. like tonight...


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hmm... i dont really know. right now, whole 24 hrs after seeing a lot of big ones on my hippo, i don't see them anymore. although, she still have some. as i've said, some days they do have them, and some day, they don't. like tonight...
Yep, they are still trying desperately to attatch to the fish. Keep dosing the stop parasites. You have a few more days of crazzyness ahead of you!


i am coming on the fifth day, whilst, 4th day on SP. spgh still .009, ph went down to 7.4. added buffer, went back to 8.2. ammo .5, trite .5, trate still 20. temp is 78 in the mornings, and 80 in evenings.
i honestly can't believe how good all my fishes are! i have never seen my kole so dark until today! my heni, who is so slow yesterday, and i thought he's giving up on me, is back to her normal self! they all still got ich, here and there...esp my hippo. ( honestly though, i think i'm seeing black ich on her too.)not sure though, or maybe those are traces of ich after they fell off of her. fed them today with vitachem, ate all of it.
i'm thnking,since my tank is on a hypo, would it be ok to add a new fish? :thinking:


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i am coming on the fifth day, whilst, 4th day on SP. spgh still .009, ph went down to 7.4. added buffer, went back to 8.2. ammo .5, trite .5, trate still 20. temp is 78 in the mornings, and 80 in evenings.
i honestly can't believe how good all my fishes are! i have never seen my kole so dark until today! my heni, who is so slow yesterday, and i thought he's giving up on me, is back to her normal self! they all still got ich, here and there...esp my hippo. ( honestly though, i think i'm seeing black ich on her too.)not sure though, or maybe those are traces of ich after they fell off of her. fed them today with vitachem, ate all of it.
i'm thnking,since my tank is on a hypo, would it be ok to add a new fish? :thinking:
NO, don't add any more fish for a few months. Certainly not to a tank in hypo. The salinity is way too low. I am glad to hear your other fish are doing well though!


Active Member
It's good to see that your fish are doing well! Keep us updated on their progress.
Nitrites and ammonia are definitely not okay. Water changes will bring them down.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
It's good to see that your fish are doing well! Keep us updated on their progress.
Nitrites and ammonia are definitely not okay. Water changes will bring them down.
thanks lion!

i'm afraid to do WCs. i'm dosing the tank with SP. if i would do WC, then its effectivity might be lessened. am i right? i'm on the 4th day. would it mean that i would count back to day 1 of treatment with SP?


Originally Posted by dadszx7
Where do you get it? Online or what store, I'm in California(Gilroy, 2 hours south of San Francisco.

go to this site. and search for chem marin stop parasite. they're cheap. or if you lfs carries them, but with my lfs, the 16.99 bottle costs 24.99!!!


oh, and how about the black ich that i thought i'm seeing? is it possible?


Active Member
Well, being that you are using a treatment, you could always add a biological bacteria supplement like SeaChem's Stability to add tons of biological bacteria. That would also bring down your ammonia and nitrites.
Black ich is surely possible. Only formalin baths will treat them. I would treat them after you are done with the hypo.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
oh, and how about the black ich that i thought i'm seeing? is it possible?
Ipuzon, Crazz is the guy who taught me, listen to this man, he is great!!!!!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ipuzon, Crazz is the guy who taught me, listen to this man, he is great!!!!!

yup, i know. he has always helped me too!


ok. 5th day today. 8am, i woke up to find that my heni's dead.
now, i don't know what really happened to her. she's missing an eye, her long banner's gone, and her two side fins are chewed up!
i have a porcupine puffer, 3 or 4" long. i don't know the reall score, but i'm thinking, the porcupine did it. i just can't figure out if the puffer did it after she died, or, she's dead bec. the puffer ate her....

pls help me try to solve this. bec, if the puffer ate my heni, then i have to get rid of the puffer before all my fishes are gone.........
