I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?


Active Member
Yeah because I have pulled this stunt and it seems to work a good amount of the time. I think girls, in my case, like all the pretty colors and things swaying in the water. Yeeeeah baby. I just had to wonder, and see, if I am the only tool in the world who does this. And if I am the only one it seems to occasionally work for. heh heh heh. :D


Active Member
Dang right.... that's where mine is. Seemed to work more in college than now. That's when they were under the influence more so, and would press their faces right up against the tank. Ahhhh, good times. Good times. :cool: So far, the poll is 3 out of 4 people, 75 percent. At least I know Im not alone. And the one person never tried. I bet they do now. :D But, hmmmm, some of us deviants aren't fessing up who they are. Closet deviants. :D The things I think up when I am bored at work. whew.


Active Member
to represent the girl contingency here
1) my pseudo-ex/boyfriend thinks i'm a fish nut and a big ol dork so i guess it doesn't work on him. but then again he just asked if he could buy my 20 gal tank off me.
2) most guys are into my tank--i think it's a secret tim allen (arh arh arh) thing.
3) colors are good
4) size definitely matters :D


Active Member
I guess, if it works, never thought of it, but then again, never had the need for petty lines:p
Usually the last thing discussed would be my huge whatever is. things are generally a little too busy to worry about a tank:cool:


Active Member
I had to stop laughing before I could reply!!!! I will answer from the married side of this question. I would say that it goes the opposite way. "You are working on the tank again?"
But hey dude whatever works for you. I think I am jealous, I never thought of that angle in college. But then again I am a stupid engineer. I remember the first time that I did homework on a Friday night. The look one of my roommate gave me was priceless.
OK this is too much information.


Active Member
yeah ht, the chics defintatley dig the colors and fish.....i had a little get together at my apt last week and this one girl was all over me cause of the fish tank.....she was like......"oh my god that is so gorgeous and beautiful.....blah blah blah" definately worth it!
good luck with the ladies guys!



Originally posted by Scotts
I had to stop laughing before I could reply!!!! I will answer from the married side of this question. I would say that it goes the opposite way. "You are working on the tank again?"

Yeah, it is a constant battle between my wife and my tank. How many times have you heard this one: "You spent how much on a(insert fish item and nasty language here)"
I'll never forget the day she found out how much my LR cost....


I'm in there with Scotts and NaCL-Man. Married women just don't get it. The only time she sees something she wants me to add to the system is when it's something I can't put in with the others.
Just got in my new PC lights today to replace my older ones. UPS man came driving up and luckily she hasn't asked the price yet. She's starting to get into it slowly.:D


Active Member
Too funny,:D Once you get married its all over, then they dont care, at least my wife does not,
I never thought to attract chics with a big tank, does it work?
I would figure that they would want you to spend it on them ,
not on rock and corals?


Active Member
I don't try to impress anyone with my tank but everyone who sees it falls in love with it. If you ever need to repel anyone from it just tell them how much you spent on it and they will think your crazy.

melissa v.

I am really getting offended here (since i am married), you guy's just don't get it do you!
what you need to do to get your wife into it ,is when you are just standing there admiring your tank and she walk's by or stops to look at it with you (to try to see what the he@@ you are looking at) put your arm around her and tell her how romantic the tank is(and you have to say it with a straight face) you will have her eating out of your hand in no time (she will be going to the fish store to buy more coral to make it more romantic). After all she is really just jealous of the time you spend with the tank instead of her, so what you will accomplice by doing this is make her feel special, etc... you might have to do this a couple of time to get results, but it will be worth your time ande effort. BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO SOUND LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!
this will work 99% of the time, the rest of you 1% sorry i have no advice for you.
Melissa V.
I am a married woman here and MY HUBBY GETS BITCHY when he sees me near my tanks... 5 total..!!
I DONT and WILL NEVER tell him how much it costs.. Besides the tank and backpack (he bought for me) HE WILL NEVER KNOW! OR I will be in divorce court...
Also, Sunday is tank maintenace day.. So if i TRY to touch them any other day.. HE GETS PISSY LIKE A WIFE WOULD..LOL
I rub that TANK more than I RUB him..LOLOL ROFLAMO
(clears throat) Well, I say back.. my fish appreciate me! HAHA


Active Member

Originally posted by Tigerlover
Jeez, guys'll do anything to impress a girl these days:rolleyes:

These Days? Its all ways been this way. :D



Originally posted by melissa v.
put your arm around her and tell her how romantic the tank is

fish tanks are romantic?


Active Member
Girls do love the colors and I have even had some appreciate the time is must take to keep a tank like that. I mean come on, reef tanks in general are impressive.
As for being romantic, yes IMO they can be. Just turn on the moonlight LED's over the tank at night and watch the soft blue light bounce around while the fishes come out for a night swim.....ahhhhh