I am really getting offended here (since i am married), you guy's just don't get it do you!
what you need to do to get your wife into it ,is when you are just standing there admiring your tank and she walk's by or stops to look at it with you (to try to see what the he@@ you are looking at) put your arm around her and tell her how romantic the tank is(and you have to say it with a straight face) you will have her eating out of your hand in no time (she will be going to the fish store to buy more coral to make it more romantic). After all she is really just jealous of the time you spend with the tank instead of her, so what you will accomplice by doing this is make her feel special, etc... you might have to do this a couple of time to get results, but it will be worth your time ande effort. BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO SOUND LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!
this will work 99% of the time, the rest of you 1% sorry i have no advice for you.
Melissa V.