Okay, I just told myself that I was done posting on "alix" threads for today, what is this 20 threads in two days. But this is serious, so I'll chime in.
I have mentioned this on the boards before, but years back, a fellow Police Officer, who happened to be my best friend, decided to use his service revolver to take his own life, without any warning to me. As a matter of fact, he came by to see me out of the blue just the day before. Turns out his ex wouldn't let him see the kids anymore, and I suppose he thought he couldn't confide in his married friends (me).
I went thru months of depression. There is the disbelief, then the anger at their selfishness and stupidity, but eventually there is acceptance that it's done and over with. Forget about what I would have said, or how I would have helped, or only if I had known....it's done, they did it, and it's over. I still wish I could ask why, but it's done.
Whether you were the closest friend to this person or not, doesn't matter. Sometimes this just hits people, like it did with me, like a punch in the gut that just won't go away. You can't seem to shake it or get it off your mind. But as life goes on, and you meet new people, peace with the situation follows. You don't ever forget, but the feelings you have now subside.
Now take all this and add in the fact that you are a teenager. This compounds your feelings and emotions, and confuses you even more. So if you can't shake it, or start having stupid thoughts yourself, talk to your parents and/or a school counselor. Just remember how this other person crapped on all of you left behind, and vow not to ever do that to someone else. In fact, if you need an outlet, become an advocate on how to help others not do this to someone else.