I found... in my live sand



Today i was setting up my 20 gallon tank. I bought 2 20lb bags of black Bio-Activ Live Aragonite. Inside one of the bags there was a chunk of glass! And both of them had a string of attached wires that i think are plastic. Has anyone else found this in their live sand?
I will post pics later if you want to look at it.


I had 2 20lb bags myself and found nothing but sand, very strage that you found that. You should probably call the complany and let them know. take pictures if you have to prove it


Active Member
Hollllly Smoolllllies,,,, does this have the lawsuit potential as the McD's "hot coffee"????


Active Member
You must Private Message "crimzy" on here..... this sounds like just the case he would take on....
Sounds like they just filled the bag up with some sand off the beach where the company is located. Looks like you got you the litter and all!


Ever buy boneless chicken or fish and get a bone? Nothing is ever 100%....I got a can of beans once that had a rock in it...wrote the company and got a bunch of free coupons...LOL...Sometimes things just get thru...


Look on the bag and there should be some identifying information (such as batch number, etc). You'll need this to talk to the company.
I doubt you'd get a big legal settlement but the manufacturer may send you some nice couupons.


Originally Posted by T316
AJ, I don't. You said this was in a bag? Where did you buy this from?

My local fish store in SoCal.
Im not gonna sue lol. I just want to know if I should be worried because I still used the sand. =)


Originally Posted by AJ92124
My local fish store in SoCal.
Im not gonna sue lol. I just want to know if I should be worried because I still used the sand. =)
Start at your LFS they may just take care of it there...And as far as using it I woun't run my fingers through it. I got a bag of crushed coral one time that had a piece about 6in. in it. Look and see where it was packaged might be from your nearest beach. Hay stranger things have happend.