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My fav koolaid is bl.cherry.
I'm a liberal democrat and proud of it.
Bush is an idiot.
War sparks the economy. Everyone knows this. Or they should. Any time the country is headed for recession, a good war somewhere other than the U.S(but with U.S. troops involved) keeps OUR economy growning. After all, military adventures are paid for by the U.S. and their taxpayers. It puts thousands of people to work, even if it is with a fairly high risk/low pay job. That leaves their jobs open for other people to have to step into while they are away.
Clinton was no saint, but he understood that making enemies at every corner was NOT a good thing. Bush is no saint either.
I'll take a Clinton presidency over any alternative at this point. Bush DID steal the election!
Let the flames begin....
Are you talking about our good frineds in France? If a war on terror makes folks mad then they really were not our friends to begin with.
That is the problem today...we are too worried what others think and we no longer fight wars to win. Too concerned of what some polls might say.
The mission of the military is to kill people and destroy machinery, weapons and infrastructure of the enemy
If in fact some country no longer "likes" us too bad. We are not in a popularity beauty contest.
Foreign policy errors and decisions made today will haunt you tomorrow.
I do not like the concept...Governing based on international popularity.
Soon as there is trouble where we are needed we all of a sudden have best friends we didn't even know about.