I got a fish....what the heck is it?


Active Member
I just meant that maybe he should research more as this is the most recognizable fish..Besides Nemo


Active Member
I wasn't flaming either. I find it hard to believe that someone who is in the hobby doesn't know what a yellow tang is, with all the info out there it's rather amazing.
YOu can go to google and hit yellow fish + salt water and a yellow tang will pop up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
I just meant that maybe he should research more as this is the most recognizable fish..Besides Nemo
im going to dissagree, on an outside basis puffers are more known than tangs, you may see alot of them, but many people know absolutely nothign of them (which is why so many buy without having proper tank conditions)


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
im going to dissagree, on an outside basis puffers are more known than tangs, you may see alot of them, but many people know absolutely nothign of them (which is why so many buy without having proper tank conditions)
I will have to respectfully disagree, and perhaps we can agree to disagree, but I would say that every LFS I frequent is more in the Tang business than puffer...


Active Member
I was saying on an outside the sw fish view, if you are into the sw fish business i bet you do have alot of knowledge and know how of tangs, but I'm saying people who know little to nothing of salt water know clowns and usually puffers. I understand what you mean though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Also, just as a warning: Flaming or derogative posts will be deleted and can result in your own banning from the forums. This message board is a place to learn more yourself and teach newer hobbyists the knowledge that you have already gained. No one learns anything when someone else acts in a negative and rude manner.
Thank you! :happyfish

Well its posts like this that make absolutely no sense especialy when the post they are referring to was deleted by the mods. MOderation may be allright but the entire meaning behaind posts are lost when posts like this happens. Its not just this post, its very common to read a series of posts, and then it goes off to la la land (as mods deleted posts) and they your left hanging. Either remove alltraces and other replys to a post / posyter or let them stand. This is a highly regulated and controlled website, that sure does put a heap of limitations on what is acceptable. To tellthe truth, I think I seen enouigh of this moderated crap and one sided babysitting mess, so count me out of here as far as any contributions anymore. I just do not like such a close regulated NAZI type regime.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Well its posts like this that make absolutely no sense especialy when the post they are referring to was deleted by the mods. MOderation may be allright but the entire meaning behaind posts are lost when posts like this happens. Its not just this post, its very common to read a series of posts, and then it goes off to la la land (as mods deleted posts) and they your left hanging. Either remove alltraces and other replys to a post / posyter or let them stand. This is a highly regulated and controlled website, that sure does put a heap of limitations on what is acceptable. To tellthe truth, I think I seen enouigh of this moderated crap and one sided babysitting mess, so count me out of here as far as any contributions anymore. I just do not like such a close regulated NAZI type regime.
So what are you trying to say? ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Memphis
So what are you trying to say? ***)
Yet more crap form a typical SWF forum c o c ksucker wanna be moderator . regulator


Active Member
Wow, that is one sad looking fish. Here's some advice;
don't take fish from people that don't know what it is,
don't take fish that you don't know what it is, and,
don't take fish with any of the following problems:
Pale faded color.
Arrow 1, totally emaciated, that fish is starving to death.
Arrow 2, again, so undernurished his skin is shrinking away from the bone.
Compare that fish to a pic of a healthy one



Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
but it is food, once he feeds it(right) he will look like the one on the pic.
Not neccesarily. Once they get this thin alot of times they refuse to eat, and die. Not always the case, but I have seen it happen in alot of cases.


Originally Posted by nYgel
I was saying on an outside the sw fish view, if you are into the sw fish business i bet you do have alot of knowledge and know how of tangs, but I'm saying people who know little to nothing of salt water know clowns and usually puffers. I understand what you mean though.
i have to disagree with you disagreeing with him. The Yellow Tang was the First fish i knew about before i even gave more than 3 thoguhts to SWF.


Originally Posted by xDave
Wow, that is one sad looking fish. Here's some advice;
don't take fish from people that don't know what it is,
don't take fish that you don't know what it is, and,
don't take fish with any of the following problems:
Pale faded color.
Arrow 1, totally emaciated, that fish is starving to death.
Arrow 2, again, so undernurished his skin is shrinking away from the bone.
Compare that fish to a pic of a healthy one

i took him from my buddy becuase my friend had a lot less than i did, just him in a tank that had no skimmer, no LR, and i dont even know that he had food for it, he has a lot better chance of surviving in my tank.....thanks for your input thoug....


Active Member
I agree. Your intentions are good, JayDen. With our help, hopefully you will be able to nurse hm back to health!


Active Member
Jay, they often sell "nori" sheets in grocery stores in the Asian food section. Nori is dried seaweed. You might try keeping sheets of seawed in the tank for it to eat on.


Isn't there a trick people use to get fish to eat? Like, mixing garlic with some thawed frozen food?
Sure, with our help we can help this guy and his fish, but so far there has been more bickering than helping.
Jayden, search for something about mixing garlic with foods to get fish to eat. I've heard of good results.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Jay, they often sell "nori" sheets in grocery stores in the Asian food section. Nori is dried seaweed. You might try keeping sheets of seawed in the tank for it to eat on.
And if you cannot find what Journeyman is referring to, Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies are excellent, also.


I agree I rather see him try to make it in a little unbalanced tank than watch a fish starve to death, but yes the fish is in poor condition. I never took care of a starved fish before what would sombody suggest for him I have no clue but if the fish is to make it a little help his way would be good.
This is what I found for you on the web.....
When stressed they become a pale milky whitish-yellow and are more apt to contract marine white-spot. When they sleep, they tend to hide and take on sleep mode colouration, brown patches on their sides that look like bruises with a horizontal white stripe through it.
Water Conditions
Specific Gravity - 1.022-1.025
Ammonia - 0pmm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - < 10ppm (max)
pH - 8.0-8.4
Calcium - 380ppm - 450pmm
Alk - 3-5meq/l or 8-14Kh
Phosphate - < 0.02 mg/l
temperature - 26 - 28C or 79F - 83F
Feeding Habits
Yellow Tangs are herbivores that need a constant supply of food to graze on. They will eat most types of macro algae that grow in a tank including hair algae and all types of caulerpa. Their diet should also be supplemented with vitamin-fortified seaweed, blanched romaine lettuce or algae pellets, zucchini, or Spirulina. I have found they prefer re-hydrated green seaweed to the red or purple seaweed that's available. When using vegetables as a staple food they need to be blanched for about 5 to 10 seconds to break down the cellulose that Tangs aren't able to digest properly. , Avoid using iceberg lettuce, as it has little to no nutritional value. There are also frozen foods available for marine herbivores that most Tangs will accept as well such as the Emerald Entrée. They can also be trained to accept high quality flake foods as well, but I haven't had any luck with that endeavour.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
i have to disagree with you disagreeing with him. The Yellow Tang was the First fish i knew about before i even gave more than 3 thoguhts to SWF.
thats pretty crazy, maybe it depends on location, but clowns are very commonly used things way before nemo even came out . . . it wasn't until i found this forum that i found of tangs, and unlike many people here, and really didn't want one....