I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????


Active Member
Ok Well Yesterday Morning In Gym Class We Were Playing 2 Hand Touch Football...i Was Running After A Guy And Some1 From Behind Me Pushed Me... I Went Full Speed Into The Astroturf And Landed Straight On My Shoulder! The Teacher Came Right Up To Me And Said Its Probably Dislocated....then I Had To Wait 20 Minutes For The Ambulence To Come...i Answered About 1000 Questions....the Ambulene Ride Was Pretty Cool Although The Bumps Hurt A Lot And The Morfiun And The Oxygen Felt Really Good!!
Its Broken Tight In The Middle Of The Collarbone Like Completely Snapped
So Has Anyone Else Here Broken There Collarbone B4??


That sucks i feel your pain. i didnt brake mine but i hurt it pritty bad. and had a half dolar size bruze for a month on my colar bone. i remember i coulnt even pick up a half gallon of milk.
i did dislocate my elbo though one year when someone tried to do a near arm break on me in wrestling practice. pain was pritty bad. sorry


Active Member
Trey - Tell me they gave you a sling and some pain meds.
They really can't do much for you... unless the bone is really snapped and they have to go in there and reset it or remove fragments.
I've broken many a bone in my day...collarbone included (that's what happens when u fall off the high-beam onto the horse. ::sigh::), and they couldn't to DIDDLEY for me.
Take it slow, don't push yourself.
Oh, and make sure the pain killers they're giving you aren't making you sick. I was on Hydrocodone after my wisdom teeth were removed and was in horrible pain and bedridden for a WEEK....until one day I forgot to take my meds and felt FINE.
Darvocet is nice and gentle and doesn't mess with your tummy as much as the rest of them.
Good luck, and keep us posted!


Active Member
they gave me a sling and meds.. they dont make me sick
the bone is completely broken/snapped


Active Member
OMG, ouch!!!! I broke mine when I was 3 months old, don't remember much about it.
My mom, in her infinite wisdom left me on the table after changing me and I rolled right off.
I remember in grade school one time, we were playing dodge ball and one of the guys was running backwards and turned around just in time to run into the brick wall. He broke his jaw. See school is bad for kids.


Active Member
I broke mine when I was 12 playing football. I wore a harness that pulled both of my shoulders back to keep it in place. I can still feel the uneveness where it grew back together.


Active Member
Fractures in the middle portion of the clavicle are very common. They most commonly occur from falls. They heal very easily. The classic treatment involves the use of a Figure of 8 splint which keeps the shoulders pulled back (and usually brings the ends of the fracture close together). However, some orthopedists do not feel that this splint is even necessary as this fracture usually heals well. They heal quickly, usually within 3-4 weeks depending on age and how close the ends are to each other. I rarely refer clavicle fractures as family physicians like myself can easily handle the management.
The clavicle is the only bony connection from the upper arm to the chest. Most mammals do not have clavicles. The existence of the clavicle is thought to be evidence that early humans evolved from tree-dwelling ancestors. Current tree-dwelling primates have clavicles which help to prevent the upper extremity from being pulled off while swinging through trees. However, as humans are not usually doing these activities, the clavicle is not even needed. When complications do occur (usually from fractures on either end of the clavicle), orthopedists frequently just remove the fractured part of the collarbone.
I hope this helps.


Active Member
hold the phone Doc.....so when the orthopeds remove the fractured part of the collarbone do they let whats left mend together leaving behind an intact collarbone (now shorter) ? OR is there a gap left in the bone
That part would give me the willies for the rest of my life.
Needed or not.
Thanks for all that info. I am always amazed at the evolution of primates. Just think how much easier yoga class could be without a collar bone :scared:

hey, Elfdoctor have you spied your xmas tree yet? Haven't seen pics of the puppy lately. getting big I am sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
hold the phone Doc.....so when the orthopeds remove the fractured part of the collarbone do they let whats left mend together leaving behind an intact collarbone (now shorter) ? OR is there a gap left in the bone
That part would give me the willies for the rest of my life.
Needed or not.
Thanks for all that info. I am always amazed at the evolution of primates. Just think how much easier yoga class could be without a collar bone :scared:

hey, have you spied your xmas tree yet? Haven't seen pics of the puppy lately. getting big I am sure.
my dog??


Active Member
I broke mine in the 5th grade (1969) when I fell over the front of my bike while doing something I shouldn't have been doing on it. Broke my arm a couple years before that on a bike (had to wait a couple days to go to the doc on that one too) so I had a pretty good idea what a broken bone feels like. After a few days of being called a panty waste my Mom finally took me to the doc who I remember sayng the arm was broken up around the neck. He put my arm in a cast because he thought the weight would hold the bone in place. My mom and I both thought he was talking about the bone in my arm up by the shoulder. In 1996 I broke my left wrist in a car wreck and the doc mentions seeing that I had broke my collorbone at one time. I was like WTF? He showed me the xray and you could see where the collorbone hadn't knitted back together straight. I called my mom and she remembered the 1969 incident just as I had, thinking the bone was broken in my arm. Nothing like waiting 27 years to find out what actually happened. In either case I never got no drugs.


Active Member
well i had to come home early from school today (yes) cuz i was having muscle spasms in my shoulder (ouch)


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Originally Posted by DevilDog01
T-BOMB!!!! I am sorry to hear that.
thanks..... whats ur new avatar?/ a snail??


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
Umm...yeah I think so. It is Tizzo's pic-I asked him if I could use it as my avatar and he said sure.
cool.... hey got a ? my clowns are making like a bowl shaped indent in the sand and they switch off hovering above it.... whats up?


Originally Posted by treybomb
cool.... hey got a ? my clowns are making like a bowl shaped indent in the sand and they switch off hovering above it.... whats up?
They're just giving themselves something to do. It is possible that they are trying to breed but I doubt it. How's your tank? You said u were having problems with it.


Active Member
well the only snails doing somethng are the turbos and 2 other snails... the diatoms are still out of control but getting better


Originally Posted by treybomb
well the only snails doing somethng are the turbos and 2 other snails... the diatoms are still out of control but getting better
good...wonder why all of a sudden everything went bananas. You didnt add much. BTW, YGM.