I just screwed my tank up!


First question I have is, what type of sand did you add to your tank? Was it live sand or salt water tank sand from your LFS? I used to clean fresh water tanks for Dr. offices. I moved a 75 gallon tank for one of the doctors because he had it in front of a window which was causing the Acrylic to yellow and algae like you wouldn't believe. He also had red lava rock like gravel and wanted me to replace it with anything white.
I bought what looked like large grains of sand (smaller than gravel, but not sand) It was a Crushed Coral based sand that I found at petsmart. I washed the "Sand" for 4 days before I put it in the DT and setup 3 QT tanks for his fish while the tank cycled. No matter how many times I washed the "Sand" it always turned the wash away water very milky white. I let the tank run for a week and the water never stopped being cloudy. (No water changes and 5 canister filter changes) I took the "Sand" out and washed it again over a 6 hour process. I then ran the tank for another week. Nothing helped, even water changes and filter changes. I drained the tank and replaced all the "Sand" with a very bright white gravel. The tank was crystal clear from day one after that.
I noticed you mentioned the sand you added was very fine. If it was a very fine grade of silica sand, it would also cause problems in your tank as the fine grade silica has sand particles so small, they will always float around in your water column.
My suggestion would be to setup a fresh QT (10 gallon) and move all your live goods to it. Also setup a 20 or 30 gallon tup to put your rock in. Then I would remove all your sand and water and start fresh. Move all your rock back in until the cycle is over then add your live goods.
Just my 2 cents...


Active Member
I only added about 5-6 cups of this sand.
Its called Natures Ocean Premium marine substrates 100% natural from the ocean to you.
The existing sand that was in there was that sand that already has cultures in it and is not as fine as this. That stuff says you can add fish within an hour after adding it to your tank, so when I move next year I will just start fresh with that.


Active Member
This is what was originally in my tank with a good mass of crushed coral. I took almost all the crushed coral out and everything was fine.
As soon as I added a few cups of the fine sand that is when all the issues came up.


Active Member
Ok here is a question.
Since I only added that sand to the front of my tank can I siphone the sand in the front of my tank and just add a couple bags of that already cultured sand that I have listed above or will that start a mini cycle?


Originally Posted by lil.guppy
Ok here is a question.
Since I only added that sand to the front of my tank can I siphone the sand in the front of my tank and just add a couple bags of that already cultured sand that I have listed above or will that start a mini cycle?
did u try turning everything off overnight? powerheads, filters, etc? i would try and see if its clearer in the am. maybe your flow is kicking up sand. if that doesnt/didnt work and everything looks fine, corals, fish, etc. i would do what i advised u to do many times...
just leave it alone, lol.


Active Member
I keep all my stuff on even over night and your right, I have noticed that I can see the rocks in the AM but within a few hours I cant see them anymore. Its gotta be an algae bloom. Good news is that this morning I can see the rocks more.
My skimmer is also picking up more all the sudden.


Originally Posted by lil.guppy
I keep all my stuff on even over night and your right, I have noticed that I can see the rocks in the AM but within a few hours I cant see them anymore. Its gotta be an algae bloom. Good news is that this morning I can see the rocks more.
My skimmer is also picking up more all the sudden.
good, do me a favor. unless your animals show signs of ill health keep your hands out of the tank for a week. dont do anything, i think the tank will clear up. it may take 3 days or a few weeks just hang in there and be patient. good luck... Vinny


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
good, do me a favor. unless your animals show signs of ill health keep your hands out of the tank for a week. dont do anything, i think the tank will clear up. it may take 3 days or a few weeks just hang in there and be patient. good luck... Vinny
So dont even do partial water changes?


Active Member
In the morning I can barely see the rocks but within an hour they are just a shadow in the water
Its getting better every day but its a VERY SLOOOOOW process


Active Member
Well its the clearest this morning that it has ever been!
I think my skimmer might have helped with the issue. I had it turned off for that whole time that I was gone.
It has not been pulling anything since I came back. Like maybe a tablespoon every couple of days. It used to fill the cup up daily before this problem.
Now that it has been running for almost a week its starting to pull more and more every day.
Just like a new skimmer, if its been turned off does it take awhile to get back to its original working mode?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLACK COBRA
Can you post a side by side pic of how it looked on its worst day and how it looks now?
The worst was the picture on the 2nd page when it was green
Right now it looks like the picture before that.

black cobra

I know when I setup my Phos Reactor and redid my fuge/sump, I left everything running as normal, skimmer, (2) power heads, sump... It cleared up in about 1/2 day. i think the key to it is the more flow and filtering the better.


Active Member
Ok I just ordered a Halimeda combo pack, shoal grass, and some codium so maybe that will help my poor tank.
I have two turbo snails and I am going to get rid of one and just keep the one in there. The guy told me that as long as there is algae in the tank they should leave the plants alone. I shouldnt really even have 2 turbos in a 46 and they are getting big.


Active Member
The progress is backfiring!!!!!!

So every morning that goes by the water gets clearer and clearer but within 2 hours of having the lights on even just actinic lights its extrememly clouded again. Mainly light green
So every morning when there is improvement its gets screwed up. I really cant turn my lights off again becuase I almost lost my mushrooms the last time without light.
Vinny said no water changes but dont I need to do water changes to rid these micro scopic algae pores?


Active Member
ok I have done what ya'll have said and have not touched the tank in a couple days. Not even water changes.
Tested the water this morning and ammonia is sneaking in.
Now im really concerned about whats going on with this tank.


Active Member
How much live rock do you have in your tank?
It might be time to get a UV on the tank if it still isn't getting better. And do a water change. If you are having ammonia problems.