I Need Alot Of Help And Ideas In What Kind Of Fish I Can Have!!!


Active Member
Ok lets start this off this way. It will be alot easier on me since I'm new to this with what fish I can and can't have. I'm new to saltwater. I just bought a 75 gallon tank that has a stand and canopy. I bought it for 3 fish I wanted to get. A clown fish, puffer and blue hippo tang. I have been told that my tank isn't big enough for the blue hippo tang and the puffer because they will outgrow my fish tank.
So I want some advice on 5 to 6 different fish I could have in this tank, that will not outgrow it. So, I need a list of 5 fish that get along that would go good together. I know I want a False Percula Clownfish, include him in whenever u post the 5 to 6 fish so I wont get confused if the clown is included or not.
Just post some ideas of the fish I could have in this tank. Also if this helps I have a Sump and Overflow system in the making as we speak.
1. False Percula Clownfish - Aquacultured
2. Maybe a tang, if there is one out there that wont outgrow my tank.
3. Blank
4. Blank
5. Blank
6. Blank
LOL just fill in the blanks. Thanks for anyone who helps me out with this.


Active Member
Heres 2 pics of the tank. Its a custom built stand and canopy. I got it off ---- for 400. I thought it was a pretty good price.



Looks nice, but personally I would place it somewhere else away from windows with the heat or cold chills it might screw around with your water temperatures, not to mention that if sunlight gets into your tank you'll be fighting green algae.
As for fish, I really like flame angels, or any angelfish for the matter. I got one for my reef tank and it's awesome, doesn't bother corals or any other fish so far


Active Member
Ok now maybe we are getting somewhere.
1. False Percula Clownfish - Aquacultured
2. Flame Angelfish (A)
3. Blank
4. Blank
5. Blank
Will these 2 fish I have on my list get along with each other? Does anyone have these 2 fish in the same tank together? If they wont let me know.


I currently have:
A pair of true percula clowns
1 flame angel
1 firefish
1 jester goby
1 black lace blenny
A pair of pearly jawfish
Some corals and everyone get's along fine. With Angels it's a hit or miss when it comes to being aggressive and safe with corals. A friend of mine got a flame angel and in 2 days he ate a bunch of his corals, but so far mine seems to completely ignore every coral


Active Member
anyone else have some ideas?
We have gotten to a clownfish and a flame angel. Need 3 more fish that get along good with these 2 fish will will NOT outgrow my 75 gallon tank.
my 3rd choice, would a Valentini Puffer or a blue spot puffer.
let me know if my 3rd choice will work with these 2 fish we have came up with already.


IDK about puffers...Look at the red spotted sand perch...they are neat.
I have 2 perc clowns and a flame angel...no problems....
Coral Beauty is also a very nice fish
as is a bi-color blennie


I would scratch any puffer. They are aggressive and eat coral. You never know if you might want to give coral a try. As for me I would do a purple firefish, flame angel, yellow watchman gobie, yellow tang, orchid dottyback, and the clowns. Dottybacks can be aggressive so that one would be iffy. I cant remember what size tank a blue throat trigger needs but if possible consider that to.


Active Member
flame angel or pygmy angel
valintini puffer
engineer goby or pearly jawfish
Fairy wrasse


Active Member
ok thats better info than, people are saying yes to some and others are saying no. everyone must not read everything that is said.


Originally Posted by Brokendeck
ok thats better info than, people are saying yes to some and others are saying no. everyone must not read everything that is said.
One thing you will soon learn....You will always get mixed responses..You yourself have to pick and choose which ones YOU listen to.
IMO and A LOT of others 75g is too small for any tang.


Active Member
ok meowzer what 5 would u choose for my 75 gallon tank? i just want a idea of what i can have in my tank.
i know i want a clown fish and a flame angel. what other 3 would u choose meowzer. im kinda thinking ab a yellow watchmen goby.


I love my flame angel, so that's a good one...
bi-color blennie
red spotted sand perch
2-yellow clown gobies (small so they count as 1..LOL)
2 clowns


Active Member
Gem Tang!
But it will out grow the tank.
(someone need to get one)
firefish (purple, flame, helfrich's)
Blennys (lawnmower, midas, bicolor,etc)
Cardinalfish (banggai, pajama, longspine, etc)
Dwarf Angle (flame, pygmy,flameback,lemonpeel,rusty, black, etc)
Kole tang.
Cleaner shrimp is a really good to have also a good CUC.


New Member
I think a yellow tang would be fine in a 75....I've actually had a sailfin tang happily living in my 55 for 2 and a half years. Probably too small of a tank but i was a newb at the time!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Brokendeck
anyone else have some ideas?
We have gotten to a clownfish and a flame angel. Need 3 more fish that get along good with these 2 fish will will NOT outgrow my 75 gallon tank.
my 3rd choice, would a Valentini Puffer or a blue spot puffer.
let me know if my 3rd choice will work with these 2 fish we have came up with already.
I am no expert and there different kinds of puffers. Everytime I see a puffer in a LFS I get the following warnings...Puffers will eat any fish it can get in its mouth, and it can get it's mouth pretty big. They are not coral/ reef safe. They also have a toxin they can release into the tank if they are upset. The toxin will kill everything in the tank.
Instead of another fish, and I am not at all being mean here. Get a really good book on marine fish. A book will tell you what gets along with what, and its care, and food needs.
You can't always go by what folks tell you. I have two books...one on marine fish and the other on inverts. I also have several books on corals. They are worth their weight in gold.


i agree with flower get some books and start doing research.ultimitaly you want your tank to be yours. what YOU want to go into your tank! i think tangs and puffers should be left to people with some experience in the hobby! your just starting up a saltwater tank get some cheaper hardy fish to start with. learn your tank and what it takes to keep it healthy! tangs are prone to itch. i believe puffers are as well.