I really need help


Active Member
Well i guess this weekend wasnt my weekend for my fishtank bought some colt coral that isnt doing well at all. and today I wake up and my skimmer is shooting out 500 millions bubbles so I have to shut it down cuz it was stressing out the fish and I think its the cost of the 2 green chromis dying.
And now the tank is really cloudy? What should I do??


Active Member
Can you post some water parameters?
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, temperature, specific gravity, alkalinity?

keith burn

Active Member
it wil be ok it is the bubbles... it will be ok in a day or two.
how old is the tank what size exe...exe...exe
colts may take some time to get looking good in new tank will come back...
2 chromis you have my sympathies... but we had a bad shipment of them the last time i looked. if new may not have lived
imo do not remove skimmer ajust it way down and go up slowly...
Is the cloudiness from the micro-bubbles or is it a white milky fog.
If its the ladder could be a bacteria bloom from the colt that maybe dieing.Remove the colt and siphon any parts that fell off.Some people recommend a water change,I do not,water change now will just remove the bacteria thats trying to breakdown the waste.My recommendation is to wait it out and remove the colt ASAP.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by reeffreakgeek
Is the cloudiness from the micro-bubbles or is it a white milky fog.
If its the ladder could be a bacteria bloom from the colt that maybe dieing.Remove the colt and siphon any parts that fell off.Some people recommend a water change,I do not,water change now will just remove the bacteria thats trying to breakdown the waste.My recommendation is to wait it out and remove the colt ASAP.

yes if colt is melting remove it now...


Active Member
parameters are ammonia .25
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
calcium 0
kh 11 dKH
specfici gravity 1.024
phosphate 0
Water is Milky cloudy.
when i cut the skimmer on the fish seem really stressed out


Active Member
So i woke up this moring before school to find the tank really cloudy and that stupid colt coral was complety dead. It was the cost of 2 green chromis dying. When i woke up my Elegance Coral and Green Bubble Coral was shrivled up and not looking good at all. I just called home and my granny said the tank was cloudy and the cother coral looked dead. As soon as I get home I am going to check the water parameters and do a water change. I pre made some salt water before I went to school to get ready for the water change. I also let carbon run in the filter this morning.
I just dont know what to do. Ill post parameters whenever I get home to test them.
Can anybody help me and give me some ideas on what to do? This was the worst weekend ever!!!


Fine tune your skimmer # 1.(see other post) Get your ammonia down to 0. Do not add anything new untill tank goes through cycle.
Give a tank description please:
Lights, turn over per hour, filtration (refugium/other filters- example canaster/bio wheel or ozone) sand bed of bare bottom and water volume including sump.


Active Member
Yea got it at Bluewater....
The ammonia just riased I guess when I put the colt coral in there.
Tank has been up now for 4 alomst 5 months
Turnover rate is 28X
55 gallon tank
tank has already cycled
nothing left but clownfish and 1 green chromis
I have about 40 lbs of aragonite and 30 lbs of live sand
maybe 50-65 pounds of lr
tank was doing great before the colt coral I was so proud now ive been depressed at school alll day lol.


Active Member
hey if you are going to get corals locally, go to aquarium technologies, there at princeton and the loop, across from the old ballfield, much better, healthier stuff, blue water is ony good for food and drygoods jmo....tobin


Active Member
yeah whenever I call that plce its never open and now I lost that number. Do you happen to have it? I wouldnt bought it from Bluewater, but my girlfreidn went and got it to surprise me and now she thinks im mad at her. Hopefully when I got home I can safe my other coral and I will def be changing my 10 gallon to a saltwater QT tank this wekeend. And I guess if everything dies I can always get ready to start all over


Active Member
don't feel to bad, i crashed my 1st tank, it was a 29 gal. i overstocked, without enough filtration, hindsight you know, that number is 699-4841 good luck...tobin


Active Member
I cant wait to get home and check everything out. I will keep everyone posted with information when I get home. Mean while give me some tips or anything


Active Member
the waterchange is about all i know, and set up the qt asap i don't know if the corals you have can war with each other if so be prepared for the worst, how big a waterchange you doin?...tobin


Active Member
I have about 15 gallons made form this morning. Im about to test the water really fast before I change it. The water is already much clearer than iot was this morning but still milky cloudy. Does anyone know how to tell if an elegance coral and green bubble coral is dead? will post parameters in a few secs


Active Member
Just did a 20 gallon water change and the tank is still real cloudy. But I am praying that it clears up after a while. Im going to wait about 20 mins to check the water parameters. I really wish my digital camera would work so I could take some pics.


Originally Posted by spanko
Why is your ammonia at .25? How long has the tank been up?
Might be a Red Sea Ammonia test kit. Mine always reads 0.25. I have compared it to other kits and the Red Sea is off.