I think America needs FOX NEWS!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
moore, gore and most other left wing people along with right wing people have money invested in one shape or form in oil companies along with other businesses they spout off against
Gotta love Moore, "I’ve never owned a share of stock in my life" Nah, he owns thousands including Haliburton


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
dosent that sound a lil suspicous that our own President has tons of money in an investment group that is tied to the sauddis?sounds a little weird to me.And he does make money of this war there are no if,ands, or buts about it.
Did you know that saudis funding most of clintons library?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
dosent that sound a lil suspicous that our own President has tons of money in an investment group that is tied to the sauddis?sounds a little weird to me.And he does make money of this war there are no if,ands, or buts about it.
Since you are so sure he is making money off this war.....how about you show us how and where he made money and the rough figures....or a link to a story, anything. Just so you prove you aren't just spouting repeated rhetoric and you actually read and learned what you are claiming.

masta man

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
How's is keeping our troops in there saving their lives? All the republicans I've known deny global warming.
Ok all of you talk about not being biased and how Fox News can change America, so I'll make a deal with all of you. For each person that watches an Inocovient Truth unbiasedly, I will watch Fox News for 2 hours. You think Fox can change America, well I watched An Incovient Truth biasedly but man did it wake me up. Anyone want to make it a deal?

Hey Mike I back you up. for every republican that can watch an Inconvenient Truth unbiasedly I will watch 2 shows of Bill Orally (O'reilly).

masta man

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
What doesn't make sense to me is that anyone would try to prevent a way to stop a possible threat to our planet.

I know, maybe people believe that if it is not broke don't fix it, but when it is broke it will be near impossible to fix it. Many people against the possibility of GW ask for proof but when there is proof there is no ability to stop it. grasshopper and the ant. It is just common sense, where does the pollution go after leaving the building?!... the magic pollution eating fairies. And besides what about just cutting pollution for your own air quality to help the elderly or sickly. just my 2 cents


Active Member
Ok I was just listening to talk radio with a friend of mine, and you were calling democrats hypocrites?! Oh my goodness it was soo bad. The guy started complaining against dietritians for trying to "control" America by what it eats and doesn't eat, yet these are the guys who think that America should "control" whether you can or can not get an abortion! That sounds kinda hypocritical to me.
And then Tobin mentioned that democrats just use scare tatics, which is true, but yet aren't the republicans talking about Al Quida trying to get weapons of mass destruction and blowing up America? Sounds scary to me. It may be true, but I think it's time for both sides to look at themselves in the mirror. I'm tired of democrats and republicans. I want to see some Americans. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
Every third word on the Orally factor is Dems are nazis.
Maybe you should try watching O'reilly before commenting. You might be amazed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Since you are so sure he is making money off this war.....how about you show us how and where he made money and the rough figures....or a link to a story, anything. Just so you prove you aren't just spouting repeated rhetoric and you actually read and learned what you are claiming.
Darth, that's cruel.. as you and I both understand how a President's investments are handled we both know you've sent him off on an impossible task....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Darth, that's cruel.. as you and I both understand how a President's investments are handled we both know you've sent him off on an impossible task....

I know it is cruel....However even if they don't look at my links atleast I am willing to show where I get my information.....Unlike some that just listen to Randy Roads on Air America and just repeat word for word what that loon says (yes I listen to her, unlike some that refuse to listen to O'Reily)
By the way, someone owes me two episodes of watching O'reily, as I saw inconvenient truth....actually you owe me four episodes, I watched it twice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
I know, maybe people believe that if it is not broke don't fix it, but when it is broke it will be near impossible to fix it. Many people against the possibility of GW ask for proof but when there is proof there is no ability to stop it. grasshopper and the ant. It is just common sense, where does the pollution go after leaving the building?!... the magic pollution eating fairies. And besides what about just cutting pollution for your own air quality to help the elderly or sickly. just my 2 cents
Actually, It is pretty interesting. Trees seem to do a wonderful job, somehow they eat co2. (the pollutant in question for global warming) then they turn it into o2. It is truely amazing.
But you guys are missing the point that we are trying to make. We aren't against taking care of our planet. I'm all for it. My problem is that most environmental causes are political. And they are using this as a powergrab. I've seen Gore's movie. And it is a horrible argument. It uses flawed data, or simply incorrect data or support his agenda. What ever it might be. That is my problem with gw proponents.
And people like him make it impossible to believe any "green" organization. Because it is simply to hard to research every claim made by politicials, actors or non-profit. Because I've heard wolf one to many times.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Factor in that it is scientific fact that water vapor (H2O) contributes to 95% of the global warming "crisis"......Our CO2 emmissions are adrop in the bucket, may as well try to pee on a forest fire to put it....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
But you guys are missing the point that we are trying to make. We aren't against taking care of our planet. I'm all for it. My problem is that most environmental causes are political. And they are using this as a powergrab. I've seen Gore's movie. And it is a horrible argument. It uses flawed data, or simply incorrect data or support his agenda. What ever it might be. That is my problem with gw proponents.
And people like him make it impossible to believe any "green" organization. Because it is simply to hard to research every claim made by politicials, actors or non-profit. Because I've heard wolf one to many times.
Look at the recent studies on DDT.

aztec reef

Active Member
"Factor in that it is scientific fact that water vapor (H2O) contributes to 95% of the global warming "crisis"......Our CO2 emmissions are adrop in the bucket, may as well try to pee on a forest fire to put it."...True..But
I think worring about Global warming is a joke..I can't believe some stuff they say though..talk about science vs. Nature

But only now has a study uncovered evidence that water vapor is a major public enemy in Europe. Because the EARTH's cycle is HEAT right now, and what does heat do? it melts ice= water vapor..

According to a team of Swiss scientists, heat from other greenhouse gases is causing more water to evaporate, releasing the vapor into the atmosphere above Europe. That vapor in turn, adds to the greenhouse effect, further warming the region. another instance why global warming would be a Major problem in cold places such as Europe and of course.. where are you going to find the biggest negatives effects of global warming? in the real Hot but mostly in the real Cold places of EARTH right?...

Temperatures throughout the Northern Hemisphere have been increasing in recent years. But Europe has been heating up especially quickly, leading to studies, theories, and debate as to why. for the same reason that ice is melting and more water its being evaporated in the atmosphere..Water vapor= Humidity, and High amounts of Humidity adds to disconfort of heat + the GW cycle that Earth is going trough that just makes it worse..

In central Europe—Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, and Slovenia—temperatures have risen three times faster than the average for the hemisphere has. again because they are the coldest places on EARTH..

Some scientists have argued that Europe's rising temperatures are due to normal weather-circulation patterns. But the new study's results suggest that large-scale weather patterns are only a minor influence on the temperature increase, said lead researcher Rolf Philipona of the World Radiation Center in Davos Dorf, Switzerland. True, but GW gets influenced by both large scale weather patterns which is the heat cycle going on now(GW) & the poor emmission capacity of greenhouse gas and by the quick reaction of weather patterns of EARTH

"Warm air can contain more moisture than cold air. This is the basis of the water vapor feedback. As the atmospheric temperature rises and the amount of water vapor increases, the greenhouse effect is enhanced, further increasing temperature.
The water vapor feedback is critical for producing the glacial/interglacial cycles. Uncertainty in the magnitude of the water vapor feedback is an important source of uncertainty in projecting future climate warming".
Now that sounds like comman sense to me, not science.. its called "humidity"
and humidity = water and heat a.k.a Vapor..
Heat: expands, that means that heat make things bigger it gives it Energy..thus why you have the Increase in the vaporization/humidity effect, which = an increase in green house effect= heat increase=GW
EARTH is 71% under water.. Just Imagen how much water evaporates from the ocean and how much ice melts all over Europe & the world on a dailly basis just because of the Heat wave of GW..That's enuff to have an environment effect all the way over here in the west.
Vicious Cycle?
i think is a normal heat cycle but not vicious(maybe hotter than few decades ago) , and yes GW(caused by the source of greenhouse gas ) does make it worse...but if you we got rid of all greenhouse gas right now that won't change the Heat cycle of EARTH or the way the Sun fussions Naturally at this stage


Active Member
Hey if our CO2 emission influence the natural warming cycle we should work to cut it. I just dont think we need to trash the economy or by into a global socialism scheme (Kyoto) to do it.
Bush might have not done that much right but the tax cuts and having the having the guts to stand up against Kyoto were a couple of his brightest moments.

darthtang aw

Active Member
This sums up the kyoto Accords and their impact to the average citizen versus the environment great,
"The Kyoto Protocol calls for mandatory carbon dioxide reductions of 30% from developed countries like the U.S. Reducing man-made CO2 emissions this much would have an undetectable effect on climate while having a devastating effect on the U.S. economy. Can you drive your car 30% less, reduce your winter heating 30%? Pay 20-50% more for everything from automobiles to zippers? And that is just a down payment, with more sacrifices to come later.
Such drastic measures, even if imposed equally on all countries around the world, would reduce total human greenhouse contributions from CO2 by about 0.035%.
This is much less than the natural variability of Earth's climate system!
While the greenhouse reductions would exact a high human price, in terms of sacrifices to our standard of living, they would yield statistically negligible results in terms of measurable impacts to climate change. There is no expectation that any statistically significant global warming reductions would come from the Kyoto Protocol."

aztec reef

Active Member
We can't do anything to stop the sun from fussing this hot.(its Nature)the only thing we CAN do is ride it out till this heat phase pases (Earth and the sun are constantly moving/orbiting each other, so it will pass eventually ) and at this same time we need to come up with newer and better ideas to decrease C02 with large scale emissions not just monitor it and keep freaking people out by: telling people that humans have an impact on global warming.that's nonsense..we do cotribute to it but just like Darth said,"Our CO2 emmissions are adrop in the bucket, may as well try to pee on a forest fire to put it "....


Active Member
I think that everyone should read michael critons book. State of Fear. It provides and backup a very good argument against global warming. While pretty much summing up how I feel about our envirnment. All his facts quoted are annotated. And very easily google-able. (is that a word yet?) And it is very entertaining like all his other good books. (He is prolly my fav author) I loved jurrassic park (the book).