Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/383207/i-want-a-dwarf-angel#post_3350244
Ak was giving valid information about how to keep more than one in a tank. You cannot take the part you want to be true out of context. I agree everyone must do things at their own risk, however AK was giving relevant facts to the the question "It would be nice if I could do both but I've heard 2 angels won't live together in the same tank. Any suggestions? "
For you to step in and take his post apart and only use what you want to convey was misleading to the OP's question.
Wow.... This is what I like to see, a friendly debate. Okay my turn... My answer to this, or should I say "my experience" is yes. You can have two DWARFS in one tank, however, ..... right now we have a Flame angel and a lemon peel together in our QT (20gal, long). We got the Flame first and and then 4 to 5 days later we got live rock and the Lemonpeel (named mine Meeme from the Drew Carey Show, but more on that later.
With the live rock in place in the QT, it made the tank different and there was no established territories. Other than a big conch shell, and a couple of other places to hide in, the DWARFS live happily and yes, sometimes do get a little buttslap pissy at times, but for the most part they are good roomies. If anything ya'll, the lemonpeel showed the flame how to eat, because the flame was not eating. It made him a little more competitive while eating. When I Iast saw them, 20 minutes ago, they were together in the conch shell looking out at me.
If one wants to add an angel after here is one in the tank already I would honestly mention they should rearrange the LR while doing a water change, turn the lights out and then add the other angel/fish. My Pigmy angel is going to have a seizure when they move into their new tank and see this lemon peel, but they will be fine because it's all new to everybody.
Thank you
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/383207/i-want-a-dwarf-angel#post_3350244
Ak was giving valid information about how to keep more than one in a tank. You cannot take the part you want to be true out of context. I agree everyone must do things at their own risk, however AK was giving relevant facts to the the question "It would be nice if I could do both but I've heard 2 angels won't live together in the same tank. Any suggestions? "
For you to step in and take his post apart and only use what you want to convey was misleading to the OP's question.
Wow.... This is what I like to see, a friendly debate. Okay my turn... My answer to this, or should I say "my experience" is yes. You can have two DWARFS in one tank, however, ..... right now we have a Flame angel and a lemon peel together in our QT (20gal, long). We got the Flame first and and then 4 to 5 days later we got live rock and the Lemonpeel (named mine Meeme from the Drew Carey Show, but more on that later.
If one wants to add an angel after here is one in the tank already I would honestly mention they should rearrange the LR while doing a water change, turn the lights out and then add the other angel/fish. My Pigmy angel is going to have a seizure when they move into their new tank and see this lemon peel, but they will be fine because it's all new to everybody.
Thank you