I want to $%@#@# scream!!


.027 is not lethal, but it is on the higher end of accepted salinity for HOME aquariums. It is lethal however, if you are new to the hobby and don't have an ATO.
For new hobbyists, I usually recommend a salinity of 1.023-1.025.
If you are testing your salinity with a swing arm hydrometer, .027 IS lethal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by louti
Not trying to make an issue of this, but 1.027 is not too high. The only water I've personally tested was from the Atlantinc and it was 1.028.
I agree in that 1.027 shouldn't be enough to kill a healthy shrimp. However it depends on the store he got them from. I doubt many stores run even their invert tanks near 1.027 to save on salt costs. Going from say 1.021 to 1.027, is a pretty sizable swing for ornamental shrimp.
If HB was at a different place in the hobby, and he was testing hyper-salinity to see if it accelerates coral grow, sure that's one thing. But for someone first setting up their tank? There's zero reason for salinity that high.


I've spent more money on things that have died than things that have survived. For example when I first started this hobby I bought these really large snails. They cost me 10 dollars a pop and would die within 30 mins. I've boughten a few every month only for them all to die. I have a graveyard of dead snails. Seriously I have spent over 100 dollars just in dead snails. I still can't get them to live in my tank.
You can't go into this hobby expecting it to be cheap or easy. It does suck so now you just have to decide if the cost is worth it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
For new hobbyists, I usually recommend a salinity of 1.023-1.025.
Good numbers. I personally keep mine at .025(sometimes it dips to .024 when I do a Water change)
And I dont really think the .027 is what killed(if that is indeed the accurate number)
Of course, if hes using a hydro meter...then ya, your right, it completely causes instant suspect. How bout it banana?


Active Member
do you use r/o water?if you dont filter te water and have an older home this will giveyou copper.take some water and check for copper.
any metals will kill inverts.


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
Good numbers. I personally keep mine at .025(sometimes it dips to .024 when I do a Water change)
And I dont really think the .027 is what killed(if that is indeed the accurate number)
Of course, if hes using a hydro meter...then ya, your right, it completely causes instant suspect. How bout it banana?
Yup. I keep my tank around 1.025, as well.


so first thing I am going to say is I DID NOT HAVE A PROBLEM UNTIL I STARTED LISTING TO PEOPLE ON THIS SITE! that being said there is a lot of info here but it's hard to get it to relate to you're tank. I have ran a few different salinity's for different reasons and the key to that is no big changes fast, to my experience inverts like a little more than less. I can't tell you what happened to you're shrimp but what I would say is take you're time and things happen. Things do happen for a reason and if you keep working in it you will find that reason eventually, it might take a year but you should be able to work it out if you really try.
I don't know what all of you are talking about with you're lfs, all I would have to do is tell them I had problems and they would give me another one no questions asked. I try to keep a good relationship with my lfs and they give me stuff that is not doing good because they know I will save it and bring it back for store credit.try to get on a personal level with the people at the lfs and remember it's not easy for them ether.... well I bet this is going to generate a lot of responses of people saying this is right and that is wrong and I'll probably just go back to saving my new brain and candy cans so good luck and don't drive you're self nuts over it.


Ok. Im useing a floatine hydrometer. the readings are in the green range. barely below the .027. I used Catalina water from my LFS. The water is below 1.027 im sure. Im sure its not the most accurate piece of equpment by a long shot.
I suppose there could be copper in my LFS catalina water. Unfortunatly Im not going to spend anything else on the tank this week so that test will have to wait

There IS a reason for my salinity to be that high in the aspect that
A. im about as new as they come and assumed that adding catalina water to my tank, then marking my sump with final water level then topping off with RO/DI to keep water at that line was an ok pratice untill I can figure out another way
And B. Im ovbeously wrong about A.
I checked my params this morning after adding the macros last nite. I have a light on my macros. not constantly tho. about ten hours a day at the moment.
I acclimated the shrimp by putting it and its water from the bag in a 5 gal bucket, ran some airline tubing about 6" under my DT waterline and started a siphon, then put a valve and set the drips for 2 min for the first 2 hours then raised it to about 5 drips a min.
I dont know if I can tell the name of the store. Its got some amazing corals and livestock. they do all sorts of stuff there, dental work on puffers, fish surguries, classes on breeding, coral frags and whatnot. they also have a big ol place by the airport where they quarentine everything and do research. I always thought of it as a great store. the PPL who work there arnt tho.
so basically my salinity is too high?
More Info needed? let me know.
Thanks !!!!!!!


Originally Posted by d-man
so first thing I am going to say is I DID NOT HAVE A PROBLEM UNTIL I STARTED LISTING TO PEOPLE ON THIS SITE! Why are you here since you know everything? that being said there is a lot of info here but it's hard to get it to relate to you're tank. Then ask specific questions about your tank...better have the facts. I have ran a few different salinity's for different reasons and the key to that is no big changes fast, to my experience inverts like a little more than less. I can't tell you what happened to you're shrimp but what I would say is take you're time and things happen. Best advice I have heard yet. Things do happen for a reason and if you keep working in it you will find that reason eventually (by not asking questions and getting educated by others who have knowledge to pass?), it might take a year but you should be able to work it out if you really try.
I don't know what all of you are talking about with you're lfs, all I would have to do is tell them I had problems and they would give me another one no questions asked. (All LFS' have different policies I have personally have one store with a two week return policy and another down the street that is take at your own risk) I try to keep a good relationship with my lfs and they give me stuff that is not doing good because they know I will save it and bring it back for store credit.try to get on a personal level with the people at the lfs and remember it's not easy for them ether.... well I bet this is going to generate a lot of responses of people saying this is right and that is wrong and I'll probably just go back to saving my new brain and candy cans so good luck and don't drive you're self nuts over it.
Thanks again for all your help??

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by shwstpr88
Did you check your water after you added the macro's? I wonder of the caulerpa released Nitrates? DO you have a constant light on on the refugium?
macro algaes do not simply release nutrients. In order for a macroalgae to release nutrients back into a system, they must die/decompose.


Active Member
Test your salanity at the LFS then.
.027 wont kill it, but you might be way off. It could in fact be much higher or much lower.Never used a floating hydro meter, but they are more reliable than a standard since there isnt really any way to get salt creep.
However, recently my dad brought home a hydro meter, and right out of the box it was 5 points too high. If he would have listened to his hydro meter instead of my refroacto meter, he would have put his water at .021
So a brand new unit can read false. He took both a sample and the hydro meter to the LFS the next day, and they agreed with what my refractometer was telling him. His water was .026
He got store credit on a nice refractometer.
Take your water into the LFS and ask for a test. Most do it free, it may help you get to the bottom of this rapidly.


i had a peppermint in an empty tank and added a cleaner about 3 weeks ago too. within 2 days of me adding the cleaner both of them molted. I thought it was dead but they both came out a few days later when I fed my corals.


I ran home at lunch to have another looksie, My peppermint that was not doing so good is DEAD. not molted. It was in the sump ant there is no place for it to hide if it did shed. and when I picked it up and smelled it it did not smell. It was not an empty shell tho. I gave it a little squeez.
Same with the cleaner cadaver. The whole thing is intact. antenna and all.
My one peppermint is fine. scurrying around on my LR. looking pretty good. Of corse I have no Idea what a happy peppermint shrimp looks like. I know it was alive and activaly avoided my attempts to catch it. I just scooped up the others.
SOOOOOO...... Any insight? I have a pic of my sump and macroalgae if that helps anything. getting a little long winded with my responses



Active Member
Nope. There is little more to add w/out a new battery of tests. Specificly the Readings of a refractometer, just to be safe.
And copper.
Those would be the two most important. Followed by your temperature readings.
After that, its just either bad luck, or something you haven't tested for yet, that I personally can not think of.
Inexplicable deaths do occur. A pair of yellow watchmen gobies and a pistol shrimp come to mind from my own experience. All placed into ideal water that tested nothing but great. It happens.
A reefer once said it best to me:
"Its the same as going to Vegas and putting your coin in the slot machine. Its fun up till the moment you pull the lever. After that you have to accept whatever comes out the bottom."
Have your fun, but $&!* really can happen. And for you its happening now

I feel your pain. This last month have been really frustrating for me too. Some of it my fault, some of it totally unfair.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
well at least you are reading my posts