Ok. Im useing a floatine hydrometer. the readings are in the green range. barely below the .027. I used Catalina water from my LFS. The water is below 1.027 im sure. Im sure its not the most accurate piece of equpment by a long shot.
I suppose there could be copper in my LFS catalina water. Unfortunatly Im not going to spend anything else on the tank this week so that test will have to wait
There IS a reason for my salinity to be that high in the aspect that
A. im about as new as they come and assumed that adding catalina water to my tank, then marking my sump with final water level then topping off with RO/DI to keep water at that line was an ok pratice untill I can figure out another way
And B. Im ovbeously wrong about A.
I checked my params this morning after adding the macros last nite. I have a light on my macros. not constantly tho. about ten hours a day at the moment.
I acclimated the shrimp by putting it and its water from the bag in a 5 gal bucket, ran some airline tubing about 6" under my DT waterline and started a siphon, then put a valve and set the drips for 2 min for the first 2 hours then raised it to about 5 drips a min.
I dont know if I can tell the name of the store. Its got some amazing corals and livestock. they do all sorts of stuff there, dental work on puffers, fish surguries, classes on breeding, coral frags and whatnot. they also have a big ol place by the airport where they quarentine everything and do research. I always thought of it as a great store. the PPL who work there arnt tho.
so basically my salinity is too high?
More Info needed? let me know.
Thanks !!!!!!!