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I ran home at lunch to have another looksie, My peppermint that was not doing so good is DEAD. not molted. It was in the sump ant there is no place for it to hide if it did shed. and when I picked it up and smelled it it did not smell. It was not an empty shell tho. I gave it a little squeez.
Same with the cleaner cadaver. The whole thing is intact. antenna and all.
My one peppermint is fine. scurrying around on my LR. looking pretty good. Of corse I have no Idea what a happy peppermint shrimp looks like. I know it was alive and activaly avoided my attempts to catch it. I just scooped up the others.
SOOOOOO...... Any insight? I have a pic of my sump and macroalgae if that helps anything. getting a little long winded with my responses
I have the same skimmer, and I use to run it as a hang-on skimmer, but when I upgraded to a sump, i found that it skimmers much better INSIDE the sump. Also, I got rid of that bubble diffuser thing, the sponge in there is a nitrate trapper, and was a pain in the ass the clean all the time.
Also, look on ---- for a refractometer, they are like 40$ including shipping
ps. I also believe that .027 is a bit on the high side, I run my tank at about 0.25-0.24. The shrimp could have died due to stress of moving, but also maybe bc of the great salinity/pH change.
I know that one of the LFS runs there reef tanks at 74 degrees, which isnt necessarily lethal, but defiantly will stress out the fish/inverts once they get put into 80 degrees.
So that being said, your LFS water conditions might be greatly different from yours which causes alot of stress. But hats just one possibility