Ice cap question and tank opinion.



1st. I currently have a 125 gal and a ice cap 430 ballast. It has 2 sets of end caps. What size bulbs can I/should I use?
2nd. Would you rather have a 125gal long or a 130gal cube.


Active Member

Originally posted by dsgartman
will the 660 push 3 72" bulbs??

No. It will only run up to 16' or 440W total of VHOs.

bang guy


Originally posted by acrylic51
Are 72" bulbs readily available???

I buy them all the time. I usually buy 6 or more at a time to save on shipping.

bang guy

Just to make you feel better, I have 4 IC660's that have been running three 72" bulbs over 4 years. At mid-day put you hand on the ballast. If it's hot then use a fan. Warm is OK but not hot. You should be able to lay the back of your hand on the ballast without pain. Be sure to use the aluminum heat sink.
I have included a pic from my IC 660 showing the wattages and # of bulbs/tube lengths.
In running 3-6' tubes do you think you are slighly under-driving the bulbs(increasing their life) and is the added heat from the ballast the result of running the third bulb. I wonder if that is why IceCap recommends only running a maximum of 2 6' bulbs.
PS FWIW I think the 130 gallon cube is a really nice tank!

bang guy

The 660 underdrives all VHO bulbs. 18' of bulb definately exceeds IceCaps guaranteed output but it works. It does not underdrive the bulbs any more than it underdrives 2 two 6' bulbs. The extra heat is because of the extra output.
6' bulbs are more efficient than 4' bulbs so it really is worth the slight risk. I have discussed this with Ash at IceCap and he said that if the bulbs light then it is fine, they just don't guarantee than it will light all three bulbs.

bang guy

I did ask IceCap that question and I think I remember them saying around 520. I'll try to find my e-mail from them.

bang guy

Most of the Montipora sp. will thrive. Hydnopora does OK as does Seriatopora. Avoid Acropora in my opinion.
Your best bet is to look for corals that have been propogated from VHO systems.


New Member
thinking of adding halides but which ones and how many? space within my canopy is limited as far as height, i can mod. but how tall to make it? would i be able to grow Acropora and others with halide and vho actinic combo? Thank you so much for your help Bang.


alright, Im glad my question started a hot topic :) Here is the last question(sure). I have the icecap 430 and a 196watt PC fixture. Should I use the PC's for 10k light and the VHO's for Actinic. That would be 200watt actinic (correct?) and 196watt 10k. Would that look wack?